View Full Version : Will my lil guy ever eat?

09-28-2010, 09:56 PM
This my 1st post... love the site:D
Ill give a lil back ground.
65 gal tank
404 filter with combo of ceramic , carbon , peat
uv light
planted tank
lots of buddies , rams , sword tails ,tetras, big pleco
tap water treated with prime
i change about 5 gals a day via gravel vac
I bought 3 discus about 5 mons ago , took them about 3 weeks to get comfy and start to eat. I found one more i really liked and bought him. He was really active and seemed to teach the others how to feed. All but the one guy. He has always held back. I have rarely seen him eat. About 3 weeks ago i saw white poop and tried to figure out what it was. I treated for 4 days with metro. 20% water change every day during treatment. He has seemed to have been a lil more active , no more white poop. But he never eats:(. I use brine shrimp , flake and blood worms. I will try to get the food right to him , have seen it slide over his nose. He is smaller now than when i got him , The other have grown a ton. I really dig these guys and want to do it right. Any help would be great. Thanks steve

09-29-2010, 12:59 AM
he will die.. low man in pecking order.. unless you want to try an move him to another tank... imho

how big is he? if lest then 2.. yep, he is too small to recover... IMHO :angel:

09-29-2010, 11:59 AM
he started off around 2.5 looks around 2 inches now. :(

09-29-2010, 12:14 PM
mine got really thin and could not swim anymore.. i poked him and he didn't move.. but he was breathing.. so i put him in garbage disp. and fliped the switch.. it was over quick :(

09-29-2010, 12:49 PM
are you flipping kidding me!:(

09-29-2010, 12:52 PM
he was dying.. :( i wanted to put him out of misery.. he didnt even flop around or move when i pulled him out... & flushing him is like drowning.. not very humane or quick.. imho

09-29-2010, 12:54 PM
ok grinding a live creature up in garbage disposal is worse. But hey to each his own. :( Just wondering,. would it hurt initially for human to go through a woodchipper. just sayin.

09-29-2010, 12:58 PM
*starting a thread on this topic.. my interest is peaked

10-05-2010, 09:36 PM
Well he is eating :D.. and going at it pretty good. The one alpha male that was the boss of the tank has gotten a lil quiet but the other 2 are going 100 mph all the time. I got rid of the pleco , he was starting to run the discus off the food and man could he poop ! i am changing more water , i try to do 5 gal 3 x a week and 20+ 2x a week. The discus dont really seem to care what i do. Im trimming up some of the plants and got rid of all the plastic. I drooped in a huge pc of drift to add to the other pcs and its looking pretty nice. Ill take a pic later on once i have it the way i want.
Thanks for a great site !!