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09-29-2010, 08:06 PM
one of my fish has been real dark for two days now.is the fish strested out ?
i still wounder why these fish eat so slow and only will take littel bits of food .i have crumbel it up or the littel ones wont eat.



1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started

one fish is real dark it has been two or three days

2. Symptoms (i.e. turning dark, excess slime, not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, clamped gills, white/yellow/green poop, hiding, headstanding or tailstanding, white on tips of fins, rotting or fungus, blisters/ white zits on fish, bloated, cloudy eyes, wounds)

sometimes they flash one fish does have a tiny white on tip of one fin

3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.

i treat water with top fin water conditioner top fin bacteria when i do water changes.i did treat with api aquarium salt when they got here to lower stress and get them eating hope that was right.i have had them for 5 days


4. Tank size and age, number and size of fish

75 gallon ran for almost a month before fish got here

5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?

25 gallons on one day and ten the next and so on.bare bottom.age water for 24 hours

6 Parameters and water source;

- temp __85___ need better thermometer to know for sher

- ph 7.3-4_____ need beter test kit to

- ammonia reading __0__

- nitrite reading ___0_

- nitrate reading _0___

- well water ____

- municipal water __city water__

7. Any new fish/plants added recently

everything is new except for fluval 205

09-29-2010, 08:09 PM
please complete this form

09-29-2010, 11:28 PM
this is my set up i have a 75 gallon tank with fluval 205 305- turbo twist uv on a power head-2 300 watt heaters that are at 85 degees-spong air rater.5 blue turqoise jueniles from anglefishusa.i do a 25 gallon water change every other day.i heat treat and air rate for 24 hours.my ph is 7.3.i have had the fish 5 days.
i check both tanks before water changes ammonia nitate nirite ph.do you think the uv lamp is slowing beneficial bacteria.is there not enough bio mass for all the fish.three out of five are real happy it seems. the other two the smallest dont seem eat as good.one of them is the dark one.is there info i have not given?

09-30-2010, 05:19 AM
could be bacterial issue. did you contact angelfishusa.

10-03-2010, 10:59 AM
can his color be from territory or wanting to be hier in the pecking order.its weid in the morning today they were all close to the same color when i put food in thats when he started geting dark.he is eating but he is aggressive with all the fish more so with ones closer to his size.i have not contacted angle fish usa .do you think they would know what to do.i have added more salt yesterday 1 table spoon per 10 gallons and temp 85 .i check water and everything is fine.reading through thre forum there are things im not checking like kh.how do you check for that.i cant get pics off camra or i would show you what he looks like.
thank robert

10-03-2010, 11:02 AM
sounds territorial/stress related. But still I would contact angels for this. Bump up the waterchanges a bit too. The cleaner the water the healthier and happier the fish. 50% daily or 100% every other

10-03-2010, 06:43 PM
How many juvenile fish do you have in the 75 gallon?

10-04-2010, 08:17 AM
i have 5 fish.there are pics in my album

10-04-2010, 09:51 PM
today i wrote anglefishusa for advice today.i all so am changeing 25 gallons a day i only have a 30 gallon ageing tank . littel question.
i have two canister filters with just bio and a littel peat.i all so have three sponges on air wouldnt that cut down on water changes a bit i know from reading though the forum that water changes are the key to discus keeping but is there no filtering substitute.the water looks clear and it tests good why mess with it that day or at lest suck out what wast you can see.my wife says i have obsessive complulsive disorder crazy .whatever that means.

i have thought of putting the dark fish in a ten gallon tank to see if he would melo out .i would just need to get a couple of things.
is it posible to keep the tank to clean.
thanks robert

10-04-2010, 09:59 PM
You are fine with the water changes and may actually be doing too much in this case. A 75 gallon tank with fish of that size can be overwhleming and 2 canisters running is alot of flow for those little guys. I saw the pictures and the fish are well stressed. I'd cover the back to give them more security. Is there something on the bottom also? Discus thrive in a secure environment. With fish that small, an entire spawn could grow out and you only have 5 in there. Might think of sectioning off the tank to give them less space to get lost. Another thing, how much light is on the tank, seems a bit bright. How are the fish with the lights out?


10-07-2010, 09:49 AM
frist of all thanks Eddi
how much water would you change. I put the outlets of my filters into the corners so a lot of the curent is lost and the fish seemed lots happier moving all over instead of picking a spot and sitting. If i were to paint the back of the tank what would be a good color.the bottom is just glass underneith is oak from the tank stand.what would be a good thing to section off the tank with, and would you put all the fish in the same place. Also how big should the space be. when i took the pics i had a 24in hologen bulb. when you said it might be to bright i just let the natural light from the room and windows light up the tank for one day and that day there color was all prety good .the two little ones didnt seem to eat as good.this morning they seem pretty happy but i would like some light just so i can see them a little better.Are there lights that dont shine so bright. at the chain pet stores in my town they have lights for plants and other things like that but nothing dimer.
my one littel guy is still stressed a bit a think he's still kinda back and fourth.
thanks for your time, Robert

10-07-2010, 07:29 PM
Hey there Robert,

The bottom is a big problem. Even though the oak from the stand is underneath, there is a reflection that will disorient the fish. I'd suggest movign the fishes to temporary bucket or tank and either paint the bottom with a light color or put a sheet of white styrofoam underneath. As far as the back, instead of painting the tank, you can buy a few cheap pieces of construction paper and use that as a background instead. I find light pastels work really well. Some people dont want to paint their tanks, so that is a paintless option. Discus will really thrive if they feel secure. Making a partition will keep them close and they will school better and feed better. You might think of getting some Poret foam from Hans, they make excellent dividers. They'll get used to the lighting once you fis the other things. ;)

All the best,


10-12-2010, 10:33 PM
thanks for the advice .i will work on the bottom and back.they are doing good.i just finished puting on a new roof thats why i havnt been online. i have a 30 gallon tank in the basement .do i have to go though the acclimation process if i take the 30 gallons out of the tank there in now and a filter and spong.or would it be beter just to put the fish in 5 gallon bucket and the 30 gallons in the tank in the basement do the work on the tank and then just put the 30 back in along with the 5 gallons and fish.or just the fish and not the 5 gallons the fish were in.after that age some water and fill the tank the next day.

ill try to put up a pic of the roof in progress if you want to see.it was shengels and now white metal.i just finished today it was a pain the sun refected off of the panels and cooked me alive.

i all so got a peace of drift wood i was going to try a grow bulb and tie a couple of plants to it after all the other work is finished of course.
talk to you later eddie