View Full Version : What do you all think about this tank for discus?

09-30-2010, 12:21 AM
Hi, guys

Im in search of a new tank for my discus at the moment I have 6 discus ranging from 3.5 inch to 4. Im looking for a nice show quality tank nothing too fancy, but yet nothing to shabby. during my search I encountered the Oceanic Illuminata which is a rimless 57 gallon tank.

There some pictures of it posted on this other forum, but I believe they made this into saltwater, in addition there is a reef ready and non reef which of course I will be getting the non reef.


Ok, well my question is if this would be a suitable tank for housing 6 discus since I know that discus need a large ammount of space.

dimension are as follow. (L 36 x W 18 x H 21) totalling 57 gallons.

I plan on placing discus only with a group of 6 cory cats and maybe 4 octo for algae control. In addition I plan on getting a Marineland 350 deluxe canister for filtration which is recommended for up to 100 gallon if correct. I will also add 50% water changes twice a week.

In conclusion guys, Im in love with this tank, but yet if I see that my discus wont be confortable I rather just look elsewere, but defenitly I want a rimless tank. If you all come across any nice rimeless tank let me know I tried doing some research I would prefer any reputable brand such as Marineland, Oceanic ect, but also please dont add 1,000 dollars tanks. Im trying to get the most for my money. thank you all, and god bless all....

William Palumbo
09-30-2010, 08:18 AM
I don't really see anything wrong with the set-up. Usual rule of thumb is 6 Discus in a 55, I always put in a bit more, as I change a large volume of water frequently...Bill

Discus master
09-30-2010, 08:47 AM
I don't really see anything wrong with the set-up. Usual rule of thumb is 6 Discus in a 55, I always put in a bit more, as I change a large volume of water frequently...Bill

I got 7 and one runt in my 55 he he he that makes 8 I am a bad boy, lol!:)

On the other hand they are not adults yet still have a good bit of growing to do..... I hope oh and the warden (wife) is letting me up grade to a 110 hopefully in the near future! So I think I am ok, It don't look crowded to me and besides I am doing daily 80% changes any way.

09-30-2010, 09:04 AM
Looks like a wonderful tank, but I was a little stunned at the amount of light you are projecting to use. Looks like extreme overkill to me. You are saying you will use 2 x 150 halides and 2 x 39 T5s, which is about 6.6.wpg]...when you start doing a tank with more than about 2.5+ wpg, you need to be very careful with balancing ferts and CO2 as this will have the potential to turn into a big algae fest real fast. That's my 2 cents, anyway. Otherwise, everything you are saying you want to do sounds just fine. [One 150w halide would give you about 2.6 watts and that's enough to grow most anything you want, in there].
Best regards,

Discus master
09-30-2010, 10:26 AM
Looks like a wonderful tank, but I was a little stunned at the amount of light you are projecting to use. Looks like extreme overkill to me. You are saying you will use 2 x 150 halides and 2 x 39 T5s, which is about 6.6.wpg]...when you start doing a tank with more than about 2.5+ wpg, you need to be very careful with balancing ferts and CO2 as this will have the potential to turn into a big algae fest real fast. That's my 2 cents, anyway. Otherwise, everything you are saying you want to do sounds just fine. [One 150w halide would give you about 2.6 watts and that's enough to grow most anything you want, in there].
Best regards,

I think the link he provided was just so you could see some one that actually own the tank and picuters of what it looks like. I think the guy has it set up as a reef tank and thats his lighting not the lighting this guy is planing to use. He never mentions the lighting for the tank I don't believe?

09-30-2010, 01:18 PM
I've no idea, but you might be correct!
Best regards,

09-30-2010, 11:36 PM
Hi, guys....thanks for your quick replies...

Harriett, the link I provide was not of my setup, but rather so that you all can see the tank for itself. Im actually planning on using a lighting of two t5's HO, total of 62 watts. which should be rougly about 1.2 watts per gallon.

I appriciate though your comments. Well guys you all defenitly answered my question, and so far I have added this to my Santa's wish list. I just have to find a way to convice my gf why I am buying the tank...hehe...I find this the hardest thing to do...:D

10-01-2010, 12:17 AM
IMO those tanks are BA and id make all my tanks those kind if i had the money