View Full Version : Stendecker cross

10-05-2010, 07:12 AM
Well for the whole story on these two fish see this link to a post in the community's section.
These fish have spawned and guarded their eggs for two days now the only thing I did was to soften the water slightly with some R/O water...

I was not planning on crossing these two but... mother nature HAS a strange sense of humor...

I was wondering what a cross with a Kobalt and a Santarem would look like?
I have seen a cross between a Alenquer and a Blue Diamond... I had 6 of them in my tanks for awhile and they were an attractive "throwback" fish. What do you all here on SD think they would look like. I know I am putting the cart WAY before the horse here but I was just wondering...

10-05-2010, 08:26 AM

10-05-2010, 10:10 AM
here is what the BD/Alenquer crosses looked like as Juvies when I had them in my tank..
Kinda "Wild" looking.. I liked the looks of these hopefully I will get to see what our pair will throw... other than the broken bars they were nice looking fish... Maybe the person who breed these will post some adult shots. I have lost track of where these went. Sold them off to a good LFS in the area...I did not have room for them as adults at the time... DRAT I do now..

10-05-2010, 10:55 AM
Some nice looking fish!

So my question here is, you mentioned that Hans told you to add some R/O water to your tank, but what was the problem? What were your water parameters before adding the R/O and now after?

10-05-2010, 12:05 PM
I added the R/O water mainly because I made too much R/O water on Saturday...
I temporally gave up on our Pigeon Blood / Fire-Red pair after a year of trying. So they are back in the "Red" tank with some "Tony Tan velvet Rouges" hopefully I will get a better match out of these...
I was keeping my TDS around 100PPM in my lone 29 gallon "breeding" tank. I was doing this with a mixture of 70/30 R/O tap water. I made the "usuall" amount to do W/C's in my Apisto tanks and my Discus breeding tank.. OOPS too much water..
Well lets just add it to the QT tank won't hurt anything.... Did about a 50/50 W/C with R/O mix and regular tap water.
My tap water comes out of the faucet at around 600 PPM I use a home made triple filter using one 10 PPM "Rope" filter 1 5 PPM carbon bloc and 1 1PPM carbon block this reduces my "tap water down to around 400PPM so I was mixing 400 PPM water with 100PPM water in a 45 gallon tank... it shows in the results as there are more non fertile eggs than I was getting with my other pair... This could be due to harder water or due to the pairs in-experience..I have not checked the TDS in the 45 gallon tank...
I don't usually check PH in my tanks As I am trying to breed domestic discus and i dont belive that PH is much of an issue I belive that TDS plays more of a role than PH but I could be and have been proven wrong too many times to count.
Now when my WC Apisto group gets out of QT then I will be paying attention to PH. I found myself testing the tank too much when I was concerned about PH... I mostly concern myself with TDS and not PH.. Bu as I have not actually gotten beyond free swimming but not attached stage of breeding discus you can believe what you want. This is what I am doing currently. I may change my ways later but this is "working" for me.

10-05-2010, 01:35 PM
Thanks so much for breaking that information down. Its information like this that helps everyone get a better understanding of discus and how to successfully raise and breed them.

Thank you and the best of luck! keep us posted as to your results.

10-05-2010, 05:39 PM
I really like the looks of those. I would like to see them in another couple months. ;)Very interesting cross IMO. I would like to own them. Thanks for sharing.

10-05-2010, 09:13 PM
Good luck guys, hope all goes well, and by the way it's STENDKER lol


10-13-2010, 06:38 AM
Well the first spawn was unsuccessfully probably due to to hard of water and possibly not adding any anti fungus to the tank.I don't know for sure what the "problem/problems were but they protected the completely fungused / non fertile egg for over 4 days!!!!. After they cleaned the breeding cone I proceeded to do a 50% W/C with pure R/O water which lowered the TDS from around 250 PPM to just above 100PPM they literally spawned 1 hour after the W/C at 8:00 AM.This is the first morning spawn I have ever seen. All the other spawns that I have seen have been in late afternoon.
This pair has now have gotten to the second / third day of wigglers. It does not seem like they have more than around 30 wigglers I just hope in this inappropriate tank that they can get them to free swimming as I currently do not have a spare 20 or 29 gallon tank to give them a "real" breeding tank.
Even if I did have a spare tank for this pair with my old house (built 1920 or so)I do not currently have enough electrical service to my house to support any more tanks..
MTS corollary
If the number of tanks increases to the point you are having to shut off other electrical devices in your house you MIGHT have MTS....:)

10-13-2010, 06:40 AM
MTS additional corollary:
IF you have to talk to an Electrician about adding more circuit breakers to your house so that you can have more tanks.. You MIGHT have MTS.:)