View Full Version : What is in Your Medicine Cabinent???

Discus master
10-07-2010, 02:59 PM
and no I am not talking about your personal medicine cabinent with your pepto and asprin, valum, or percetes either lol. i am talking about your Discus Medicine cabinent???

I want to know primarily from the experts, thoughs who kept discus for a long long time or the breeders what they feel you should have on hand in your discus medicine cabinent. Maybe this is a sticky already some where, or maybe if we get a good response and a good list perhaps Al could make it a sticky as? I think this is an important topic often times it can be to late by the time you get what you need or you have a ton of stuff you do not really need. I think it is important to have the main discus medicines that are common and esential to have on hand.

I will start please add to this list as we go on, give the reason why what the drug is sued for and maybe how it it used, what sucess you have had with it, and I think whats really important is where you can get it. How many of you Discus newbies and me a like have been told by an "expert" what your fish probably has and what it more than likely needs only to go out to pet store after pet store looking for the medicine unable to find it? I know I have there are a lot out there that are very easy to find at your local LFS but there are others that are dificult to find that you should have on hand for sure.

What spwaned this for me anyway is I want to treat for preventitve reasons for nematodes which are intestial worms.. The medicines used to treat for this are dificult to find and you will not find them at your local LFS, yet it seems to be a common illness for Disucs to get.

The fish often stops eating shortly after becomming symptomatic and the medicine often has to be ingestided depending on the drug you get. Well thats no good if one of the first sighn is the fish stopping eating the fish if young will quickly waste away and while your trying to get the medicine only availible on line the damage could be irreversible and produce a stunted fish if you are succesful at treating it in the first place.

I order the Angle Plus flakes, which are great for a QT procedure or a rutine preventitve maintenace before the fish shows sighns of being ill. I say use the flakes they work they are wonderful as a preventitve or a QT procedure but if symptomatic then you need the druf that can be added to the water. I got a hold of David Rose at IGO PRO to get a medication caled Vermisol thats not the drug name thats the brand name. This can be added directly to the water great for treating the fish when they are ill and not eating. I actually like this idea as you know each and every fish is getting the same dose you do not have to worry abut did this fish ete the flakes did that one did they get enough of it or this one will not eat it they hate flakes I do not have time to aclimate them to flakes, so what do you do in this case? You have to order Vermisol or a drug that can be added to the water and trust me folks you are not getting this from the LFS you just not.

So again do you want to have to wait for the medicine to come while you little guys are sick or do you want to have this critical medicine on hand ready to go at a moments notice??

I purposfully left the medicines name out, i want the experts to give their advice and opionons and tells why they think we should stock and what we should stock how it is given and what it works for, also where you can get it.

I think this will be very benifical to the newbies and may even make the pros go and take stock.

On a last note lets not forget there are three main illness categories that illness and diases come from I would like to get medicines from all three so whatever the problem is hopefully more than likely if you keep your fish medicne well stocked you will have it at a moments notice. The three are Bacterial, Fungal, and finally Parastic, lets hit em all.

Also I know people are going to say the best thing to have is a good water change schdule and that along with good diet of various food without over feeding will prevent most of these illness from rearing their ugly head. Yesy this is true but lets aproach this from a stand point of the fish is already ill with whatever illness and this is what you can use to treat when medicines are needed becuase as we know the same thing used to prevent ill ness in the first place is also the thing most often recomended to do in order to treat. Again lets go from the fish is sick and if we should need meds or we want to do some preventitve measures with meds, these are the ones to have and why and where you can get them. Taking into consideration there are those who do not treat unless the fish is ill but lets go with the ones who would like to do some preventive treatments to be proactive. At any rate what should we have??????

And lets get to it

I want to thank everyone in advance for all their input and expertise I hope we get a lot of good information and plenty of responses....... Thanks again DM

10-07-2010, 05:32 PM
the only "medecine" i keep is clean water clean tank and decent diet.

10-07-2010, 06:36 PM
There is not doubt that clean water is the first thing, specially with discus
but for experience, I keep:
Quick Cure-------formalin/malachite green----for mild protozoan
fluke tabs-------benzimedazole-----for gyrodactylus/Dactylogyrus aka body and gill flukes is good also for tapeworms.
Prazi pro---tubelarians-flat worms -tape worms and fluke
Metronidazole- for hezamita mainly.although is good for parasites and some bacteria.
methylene blue ----for egg fungus.
I also use medicated flake from Angel-plus , with metronidazole, and deworming flake with Febendazol.
A kanamycyn flake antibacterial never have to use it.
I have also have in the mail an order from DaveRose IGO pro with Levamisol
for a guy that did want to eat the flake. luckily for me he star to eat now as we speak.
IMHE, .No matter how much care the will be a time that fish will get sick.
In my case I couldn't resist the temptation of so much variety of fresh live food. that eventually will caught with you since they all are carriers of parasites.
Here in Hawaii it was so cheap to get live Black worms, live adult brine shrimp
live daphnia, and live moina (small variety of daphnia). that any one will get hook easy.

Discus master
10-07-2010, 06:52 PM
the only "medecine" i keep is clean water clean tank and decent diet.

Ok ok did you see my disclaimer at the bottom lol I knew some one was going to say this lol read the last couple of sections again.

10-07-2010, 07:20 PM

10-07-2010, 07:49 PM

That's too funny. LMAO.

10-07-2010, 07:57 PM

10-07-2010, 07:57 PM
I keep some levamisole in the fridge, mostly for loaches but for discus too, fluke tabs (need to check expiry date, never used) & furan2. And angelplus flakes:kanacin, metro versions. Table salt, epsom salt & lots of clean water, the best medicine as others have said. Oh yeah, & some really old malachite green.

Discus master
10-08-2010, 08:41 AM
There is not doubt that clean water is the first thing, specially with discus
but for experience, I keep:
Quick Cure-------formalin/malachite green----for mild protozoan
fluke tabs-------benzimedazole-----for gyrodactylus/Dactylogyrus aka body and gill flukes is good also for tapeworms.
Prazi pro---tubelarians-flat worms -tape worms and fluke
Metronidazole- for hezamita mainly.although is good for parasites and some bacteria.
methylene blue ----for egg fungus.
I also use medicated flake from Angel-plus , with metronidazole, and deworming flake with Febendazol.
A kanamycyn flake antibacterial never have to use it.
I have also have in the mail an order from DaveRose IGO pro with Levamisol
for a guy that did want to eat the flake. luckily for me he star to eat now as we speak.
IMHE, .No matter how much care the will be a time that fish will get sick.
In my case I couldn't resist the temptation of so much variety of fresh live food. that eventually will caught with you since they all are carriers of parasites.
Here in Hawaii it was so cheap to get live Black worms, live adult brine shrimp
live daphnia, and live moina (small variety of daphnia). that any one will get hook easy.

Good respponses here thank you for participating, I just got some levimsol as well from david, can I ask you how you did your conversion of the powder from grams to tea spoons I need to treat my 55gallon but have no idea what like 6 grams of levimsol would trnslate to in terms of teaspoons or whatever thanks for the help keep on posting.

Discus master
10-08-2010, 08:42 AM

yeah yeah yeah smart A** and thats BS Eddie maybe empty at the momment but I know you periodically do a deworming so what are you using to that smart guy, lol:p

10-08-2010, 08:44 AM

Discus master
10-08-2010, 08:45 AM
How are you folks dosing with your Levimisol seeing how the instructions are in grams and not teaspoons which is what i am trying to do as of rite now I getting mine today from David Rose at IGPRO he is awsome great service I ordered yesterday will be here today!!! of course he live like 30 miles from me, lol:D

and I can not believe we are not getting more responses come on guys
I do not care how well you are with discus truth o the matter is at some point their more than likely going to get sick what do you use or what would you keep on hand? besides clean water, and a good diet?? or salt??

10-08-2010, 09:56 AM
yeah yeah yeah smart A** and thats BS Eddie maybe empty at the momment but I know you periodically do a deworming so what are you using to that smart guy, lol:p

Periodic deworming is in the form of flake food, and that is in my freezer. Besides, thats only for growing out. I do not have any young fish at the moment.

10-08-2010, 10:17 AM
Just sharing....post #5

Dosing with Vermiol...check my math


Discus master
10-08-2010, 01:37 PM
Periodic deworming is in the form of flake food, and that is in my freezer. Besides, thats only for growing out. I do not have any young fish at the moment.

Oh I see so you dont deworm periodically for the adults then? why is that? I would think you would want to do it even for the adults maybe twice a year as a preventitve?

10-08-2010, 02:01 PM
This works well.

Discus master
10-08-2010, 02:18 PM
This works well.

Duh, lol rite sure does, or you can use the garbage disposal, rite Warlock?:p

10-08-2010, 05:03 PM

And no it is not a smart a$$ response. More people have killed discus and other fish by not excersising patience and throwing whatever med they can find in "just in case".

10-09-2010, 12:30 AM

And no it is not a smart a$$ response. More people have killed discus and other fish by not excersising patience and throwing whatever med they can find in "just in case".

touché! Very well said Paul.

10-09-2010, 01:42 AM
I have some old meds in a shoe box that I have collected over the years. This is what I have.

Parasite clear
PimaFix - I hate this stuff I should just flush it
Anti Parasite medicated food
Anti-Bacteria medicated food
MarOxy- this is 3 years old

I think thats it. Most of it is old. Clean water and Vitamines are all I give my fish now. but if anything does happen I'm ready.

10-09-2010, 01:47 AM
I have some old meds in a shoe box that I have collected over the years. This is what I have.

Parasite clear
PimaFix - I hate this stuff I should just flush it
Anti Parasite medicated food
Anti-Bacteria medicated food
MarOxy- this is 3 years old

I think thats it. Most of it is old. Clean water and Vitamines are all I give my fish now. but if anything does happen I'm ready.

Looks like world war III !!! :o

10-09-2010, 03:03 AM
I have thrown out so many unused meds over the years that the only things that I keep ae salt and epsom salt. The only medication that I have used in the last 10+ years is some Angel Plus deworming flakes.


10-09-2010, 06:44 AM
Good respponses here thank you for participating, I just got some levimsol as well from david, can I ask you how you did your conversion of the powder from grams to tea spoons I need to treat my 55gallon but have no idea what like 6 grams of levimsol would trnslate to in terms of teaspoons or whatever thanks for the help keep on posting.

I haven't received mine yet , but I planning to cheat , from this info of an equivalent I have from discus farm sunrise. 50 grams treats 125 gallons.
so a teaspon is good for about 5g which is good for 12 gallons. Remember teaspoon is volume and grams is weight so it will never be completed accurate. (a teaspoon of sugar is not the same that a teaspoon of flour) so your 6grams is about a heap teaspoon. but you have to see how many grams are in the whole jar/bottle and how many gallons treat as a whole then just slide an imaginary point from the right ie 125 =12.5 that will give you about what you use for ten gallons. Got the idea?
Again volume is not so accurate but for this type of powder is about 5 g = a teaspoon.
One more thing ph affect medication soft water you will need less harder you will need a bit more.
so there you go from the hobby point of view one have to guesstimated but an educated estimation of course.

10-09-2010, 01:56 PM
Looks like world war III !!! :o

HAHA I know. That's my collection from over the years I'm sure some or most is expired by now. Luckily I have not had to use much of it.

10-09-2010, 02:07 PM
I dont keep any medicine on hand. Guess I have been lucky and not needed much medication over the years. I only buy medication as needed. I do have some Metro and and some Levimsol left over from recent deworming. How long will Metro last? Anyone need some? I have quite a bit.

10-09-2010, 02:13 PM
What spwaned this for me anyway is I want to treat for preventitve reasons for nematodes which are intestial worms.. The medicines used to treat for this are dificult to find and you will not find them at your local LFS, yet it seems to be a common illness for Disucs to get.

PS. How do you know for sure it is nematodes? If you are sure, then you can probably get vermisol from David Rose, a sponser here. (I had good results with this product) I have always been able to locate proper medications when needed. Mostly from searching on Simply and ordering online. I agree that LFS often do not have any medications worth a darn.

10-09-2010, 03:18 PM

And that's all I used in more than 20 years.