View Full Version : Thank you Dale Jordan.

bonsai dave
10-17-2010, 05:32 PM
Well The past few weeks have been a little frustrating for a few discus keepers in Vancouver. A few of us had gotten fish for a fellow getting out of the hobby. I picked up 2 fish from him and my friend lisa picked up 4 albinos . We thought we were getting a good deal on some beautiful fish but it was to good to be true. We ended up getting fish that had Capillaria. and not only that I later found out the fish we got were in the same tank with other fish from fish king before the shut down. We both had qt our fish before adding them to our regular tank but it didn't matter . The other fish still got it. In my tank i have 17 discus in a 120 gallon and lisa has 18 in a 250 gallon tank so medication was going to be expensive. Well Lisa had written to Dale and he whipped up meds for a few of us in Vancouver . Well it has been a week since the last treatment and mine and Lisa's fish are looking good.

So I just thanks you Dale for all your help with it , Lisa and I wuld have lost would have lost a lot fish .

10-17-2010, 08:20 PM
sorry to hear about that Dave....hope they all get better for you....sounds like they are....
thank god we have people like April and Dale Jordan to help us amateurs out...lol

just a note....what did you use to rid the sickness???