View Full Version : white EGGS! arg!

10-17-2010, 09:02 PM
OK i have 3 pairs that for the last 3 months have only produced white eggs..

I'm not going to go into all the details for what Ive tried.

to make a long story short i do about 70% WC daily BB 20 gal. temp 83 and only use a sponge filter with low air flow. water aged for 24 hour with novaqua plus and i have limestone rock in the barrels to raise my kh and gh.. because my tds out of the tap is 027 and with the limestone i have the tds up to 060 tds...

my feeding details are

seafood mix with pro more
and freeze dried black worms

each once a day.

ok so one of my pair laid eggs last night and i put in some meth. blue and so far so good..

i put it in last night and was wondering if i shiould do a water change?

i ask this because i have had so many white eggs lately and not changing the water is the only thing that i havnt done.

btw all of my pairs are confirmed:)

thanks again:)

10-21-2010, 02:38 PM
Take the rocks out of the water. I have no problem breeding discus in our water out here.


10-21-2010, 09:20 PM
Might try adding MB to the water after spawning. I know Rick had success with it. I also had a bout of white eggs from a confirmed pair and once I put them on a diet of pro-more in a mix, all eggs fertilized. Coincidental, could be. :D