View Full Version : city inspection

10-21-2010, 11:41 AM
i don't know if this is the rite place to post this, but does the city have the rite to tell you to get rid of your fish tanks?

10-21-2010, 11:45 AM
i don't know if this is the rite place to post this, but does the city have the rite to tell you to get rid of your fish tanks?

um.. what was the reason they gave you?

10-21-2010, 11:52 AM
Not in Texas.


Sea Hag
10-21-2010, 11:59 AM
Not that our city could or would tell you that you had to get rid of your tanks but here (due to the Southern California water drought) in my city we were sent notices that if you exceeded the amount of water each house was allotted in a certain time frame (rather than just charge you more per gallon) they would shut off the water to your house, for a certain given time frame. That would certainly put a serious damper on my fishkeeping! Not to mention my social life. I would quit showering and brushing my teeth so that I could continue with my normally scheduled water changes, lol.

10-21-2010, 12:15 PM
do they own the building?

10-21-2010, 03:05 PM
Not in my town.


10-21-2010, 04:15 PM
Do you live in your own home? Apartment? How many tanks and are they saying it is putting an excessive load on the floor or something to that nature?

10-21-2010, 06:17 PM
haha, just dont do as many water changes and maybe get another filter to prolong the time before you need to change water again.

Not that our city could or would tell you that you had to get rid of your tanks but here (due to the Southern California water drought) in my city we were sent notices that if you exceeded the amount of water each house was allotted in a certain time frame (rather than just charge you more per gallon) they would shut off the water to your house, for a certain given time frame. That would certainly put a serious damper on my fishkeeping! Not to mention my social life. I would quit showering and brushing my teeth so that I could continue with my normally scheduled water changes, lol.

10-21-2010, 07:56 PM
there's more to this story than what's said

10-21-2010, 11:57 PM
um.. what was the reason they gave you?

i wasn't home when the ##$$%$## came by i was at work, and when i ask my brother, they didn't give any reasons. I only have 5 tanks and they are all under 55 gallons. i'm renting the house and the landlord hasn't said anything to me about fish tanks, the only thing he said was that i can't have dog and cats only.
sorry for the language i'm very fustrated at this time.I think they will send out a letter explaining why, cause i'm not gonna do anything until they give me a good clear reason why i can't keep them. they tanks are in the basement.

10-22-2010, 12:03 AM
who is said ##$$%$##?

10-22-2010, 12:06 AM
who is ##$$%$##?

the city inspector, most of them are where i live, i've only known 2 that arent

10-22-2010, 12:18 AM
Speak to your landlord to make sure he doesn't have a problem with the tanks. I hope your brother didn't let this person from the city into your home.That would be a big mistake. How else would anyone know you have tanks in the basement? I'm no lawyer,but if there is some kind of violation the city would have to present you with a notice of violation and give you a opportunity to contest it.
Sounds like a bunch of B.S. to me.

10-22-2010, 01:23 AM
Short answer, yes, every where in the US.

If you think otherwise, you have blinders on.

now why and how they do is going to be the real question.

If you are say over loading a structure, or have a fire hazard, they can condem you right there on the spot. Then there are local codes, that could be just about anything.

every thing from how much water you can use too having X ammount of pets.

Darrell Ward
10-22-2010, 10:10 AM
Just give him the "Dexter" treatment from TV. Tie him up in the basement, cut him up into cubes, and use him in your next homemade mix as discus food! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

10-22-2010, 02:03 PM
Why was there a city inspector in your house? What was he inspecting for? Did he have your permision to enter your house? Did the landlord authorize it without notifying you? Do you keep any species of fish that are ilegal in your state?

There is so much that we don't know to this story...I can't believe it is as stated, sorry.

There has to be a reason for a Inspector of any kind to "order" you to break down your tanks, maybe a fire hazzard as with too many extension cords...but for whatever reason they should give you a chance to correct the issue first, instead of ordering remoaval.
Also, there needs to be dosumentation explaining reasons, time frame to comply, course of action to contest, etc. No one would just knock on your door and tell you to break your fish tanks down!


10-22-2010, 03:07 PM
Just give him the "Dexter" treatment from TV. Tie him up in the basement, cut him up into cubes, and use him in your next homemade mix as discus food! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

LOL, You just made my day with that one. I wonder what the SPCA would say to city about cutting off the water and not being able to do water changes because of it.

10-22-2010, 03:59 PM
I think you problem lies with the Brother, and "lies" may be the key here.
No documentation?
No reason for visit?
5 small tanks in basement?
no contact info left ?
This reads of SCAM. (and not a good one at that)
how old is this Brother and what does he have against you ?
The city just doesnt do "random searches for aquariums".
They Always ALWAYS ,leave contact info, time frame and reason.

Sorry thats my opinon,
Doc "B"

10-22-2010, 05:46 PM
Agreed there

10-22-2010, 05:57 PM
it deff smells abit fishy

10-22-2010, 06:25 PM
i wasn't home when the ##$$%$## came by i was at work, and when i ask my brother, they didn't give any reasons. I only have 5 tanks and they are all under 55 gallons. i'm renting the house and the landlord hasn't said anything to me about fish tanks, the only thing he said was that i can't have dog and cats only.
sorry for the language i'm very fustrated at this time.I think they will send out a letter explaining why, cause i'm not gonna do anything until they give me a good clear reason why i can't keep them. they tanks are in the basement.

I can help you out. I'm probably only 30 minutes from you so I will stop by and take them off your hands. Don't worry I wont charge you.


10-22-2010, 06:51 PM
it deff smells abit fishy

this maybe the reason for the visit :D

10-22-2010, 07:33 PM
Why was there a city inspector in your house? What was he inspecting for? Did he have your permision to enter your house? Did the landlord authorize it without notifying you? Do you keep any species of fish that are ilegal in your state?

they don't need your permision to enter your home. Buildin/health inspector have a much loser probable cuase when it comes to entering a building and yes they can break in to do so. They also generally don't need a court order.

The fact that they didn't leave you with any paper work is worrying. they always leave at the very least a notice of violation. which is allways fallowed up with more paper work.

10-22-2010, 07:40 PM
in TEXAS!! people get SHOT!! for trying entering an house uninvited!! and its LEGAL!! :whip: God Bless John Wayne and May Tom Landry Rest in Peace!

10-22-2010, 07:44 PM
allot of speculations here, some that can create hard feelings between two brothers. Mathao hasn't responded with the answer to the mystery question yet.

10-22-2010, 07:48 PM
in TEXAS!! people get SHOT!! for trying entering an house uninvited!! and its LEGAL!! :whip: God Bless John Wayne and May Tom Landry Rest in Peace!

Actually, that will get you arrested for at the very least assult with a deadly weapon amoung a bunch of other charges. Yes, even in texas.

10-22-2010, 07:49 PM
Not in colorado. It's called make my day law:) Here you have a right to protect yourself, your family and your property if threatened

10-22-2010, 07:55 PM
Not in colorado. It's called make my day law:) Here you have a right to protect yourself, your family and your property if threatened

Nope, trust me, they are acting in a legal manor. Beside if you are home and refusing to let them in, they come back with the cops, the cops remove you, and they go in.

Are you sure you have the right to protect your property with deadly force? I don't know if thats the case in CO, I though the only state that was legal in was texas.

don't beleave me, get the chemical they add to natural gas to make it smell, release large quanitys it inside your house, when they come to find the suspected leak. Refuse to let them in the door. See what happens.

10-22-2010, 08:01 PM
yes, I'm sure about the law, however I see no need to not allow city workers in if there's a reason for them to need in, so I'm not applying this rule to city workers, unless I felt threatened by one. Of course, mostly the hubby handles these things. No need to put myself in a situation I can't get out of. Just last week someone shot a teenager for trying to steal his truck. I believe it falls under the new law here, though, he may be in trouble for firing a weapon in public...but not for shooting the kid(who survived)

10-22-2010, 08:12 PM

Darrell Ward
10-22-2010, 08:35 PM
Not in colorado. It's called make my day law:) Here you have a right to protect yourself, your family and your property if threatened

Out here in the woods, it's called the "he needed a killin" rule. :D

10-22-2010, 08:42 PM
LMAO! Shoot Darrell, everytime I ever went there,(ashville area) I never even saw deer, bear or a raccoon much less. I think ya'll take that there rule toooooo far!:D

10-22-2010, 08:42 PM
gave the city a call today and spoke with the guy who came for the inspection and he sais that i needed to get rid of the extension cords and just run the electrical cords straight to the wall outlets and i should be fine. now i think my brother needs to move out and find a place of his own if he thinks that the electric bill is too high.

10-22-2010, 08:43 PM
Out here in the woods, it's called the "he needed a killin" rule. :D

i love that rule, wish i could apply it here:D

10-22-2010, 08:43 PM
LOL, glad that it's straightened out. Now straighten him out:)

10-22-2010, 08:44 PM
i plan on doing that as soon as he gets home

10-22-2010, 08:47 PM
Glad it worked out...guess your brother doens't care for discus huh?


10-22-2010, 08:51 PM
Rod, as long as his discus don't meet the fate yours did...all will work out fine:o

10-22-2010, 08:55 PM
Glad it worked out...guess your brother doens't care for discus huh?


he doesn't like any kind of pets at all

10-22-2010, 09:23 PM
Rod, as long as his discus don't meet the fate yours did...all will work out fine:o

Brothers are not crazy ex girlfriends! In any case be safe and go slow with the brother! :)


10-23-2010, 12:00 AM
I'm gonna let my mom talk to him, since they communicate better, hopefully she will get the point across, since she likes my discus as much as i do.

10-23-2010, 12:13 AM
i still dont' get why a city inspector was in your house.. what city do you live in.. ?

10-23-2010, 02:36 AM
i still dont' get why a city inspector was in your house.. what city do you live in.. ?

By the sound of it the brother called them in

10-23-2010, 02:38 AM
Should be an easy fix then fella? I spose they do say to many extensions can be dangerous so maybe it ain't all bad it could prevent a fire or something

10-24-2010, 01:02 AM
They cant just come into your place uninvited. They will ill gurantee be back with the cops in a few hours, or maybe a day, but they cant just come in whenever. Law enforcement IS needed for anything like that.

Nope, trust me, they are acting in a legal manor. Beside if you are home and refusing to let them in, they come back with the cops, the cops remove you, and they go in.

Are you sure you have the right to protect your property with deadly force? I don't know if thats the case in CO, I though the only state that was legal in was texas.

don't beleave me, get the chemical they add to natural gas to make it smell, release large quanitys it inside your house, when they come to find the suspected leak. Refuse to let them in the door. See what happens.