View Full Version : Stress bars on wilds

10-27-2010, 11:04 PM
Hi I'm new to keeping wild discus. Last month I purchased five 3" Columbian Tefe greens (aka RSG if I'm not mistaken) from a LFS. As they get more familiar with the new environment I noticed the 9 beautiful black bars are fading in and out on couple of them. I know this happens with Turqs and SS as they mature so I did some research and it seems most grown wilds retain their signature stress bars.

So my question is do stress bars fade on wild Tefe greens as they mature?

p.s. I took some pictures but need to minimize them under 85 KB.

William Palumbo
10-27-2010, 11:58 PM
Stress bars on ALL Discus can fade, depending on mood...wilds are no different. They don't disappear, but can come and go depending on mood. Some Discus, and this happens a lot with wilds, can reverse their bars where they look lighter than the rest of their body...Bill

10-28-2010, 03:32 AM
Some Discus, and this happens a lot with wilds, can reverse their bars where they look lighter than the rest of their body...Bill

You should see some of my Xingús. They literally invert their colours and the bars are bright golden while the rest of the body is just plain brown. This normally happens when two fish that are at the end of the pecking order fight each other. I never saw more dominant fish do this. The alpha male and the alpha female they both turn into barless, glittering gold colours to show their dominance over all the other fish, while the weakest of the males tends to show the fifth bar prominently when he's in the mood to show off to the two girls.

Stress bars are the communication tools for discus and the wilds are pretty good at using them. The older your fish get, the better communication skills they acquire and if you pay close attention to them, you can figure out quite a few things well before they'd become obvious.


Kingdom Come Discus
10-28-2010, 03:35 AM
Stress bars are the communication tools for discus and the wilds are pretty good at using them. The older your fish get, the better communication skills they acquire and if you pay close attention to them, you can figure out quite a few things well before they'd become obvious.


Very interesting,

Thanks for sharing,

William Palumbo
10-28-2010, 08:42 AM
I have always been intrigued by the way the stress bars on wilds would not so much fade or get pronounced, but the way they had the ability to "reverse" them, and mostly the way most could change color. From a dark black, to a grey, and shades of light purple. Heckels being the most guilty of this...Bill...P.S . Nandi...I wish I had some of your Xingus!

10-28-2010, 11:33 PM
Thank you guys for the clarification. I finally managed to shrink my pictures down to 80 KB, the quality is not great but you can get the idea. In the 2nd and 4th picture you'll notice one of the fish did invert its colours.

I now sit in front of the tank at least 2 hours a day looking at them. I think I have a problem.

10-29-2010, 12:54 AM
they are beautiful! i wish I have the time to watch them

10-29-2010, 02:18 AM
Hey Bill (aka William Palumbo) I was going through some of the older posts on the Wild section and found that you have the same Greens as me. How are they doing? Do you have any pairs yet? Any pictures?

p.s. what kind of cameras do you all use? I have a Sony SLR camera and I think it's time for me to buy a new one to take better pictures of my discus.

10-29-2010, 05:54 AM
Thank you guys for the clarification. I finally managed to shrink my pictures down to 80 KB, the quality is not great but you can get the idea. In the 2nd and 4th picture you'll notice one of the fish did invert its colours.

I now sit in front of the tank at least 2 hours a day looking at them. I think I have a problem.

Very nice fish you have. What a nice problem to have. :) Much more healthy for you mind and soul and body than watching 2 hours of TV. I wish I have at least 30 minutes a day to just sit and watch my fish. I would be lucky if I can sit for 10 minutes to do so. Good luck with your fish.

10-29-2010, 05:25 PM
Last month I purchased five 3" Columbian Tefe greens (aka RSG if I'm not mistaken) from a LFS

Just for clarification, the Tefe region is in Brazil not Columbia. :)
