View Full Version : What to do to make them spawn again?

10-31-2010, 09:57 PM
Hi to all, Ca anyone tell me what to do about a pair that spawned in a 6ft tank with angels and other discus, but when i took them out and put them in a breeding tank they never spawned after that. They have been in the new tank 14 days now and they are not even hanging around the cone.

10-31-2010, 10:06 PM
be patient:) she's not in the mood, maybe she has a headache... yep,could be any number of things lol:D

10-31-2010, 10:12 PM
14days is no big deal especially if they are young. If young they arent fully developed yet and are still working on their breeding schedual. +theres no telling if its a male/female either so if its 2 females and now that they are moved they arent in their mojo groove they may never show signs of pairing again. But give it time, 14 days is not very long at all. Ask Bill, he had some that took....a long time (i want to say 15-18months) before they started laying/breeding

10-31-2010, 10:26 PM
be patient:) she's not in the mood, maybe she has a headache... yep,could be any number of things lol:DNice one DL ( have a headache )even the female fish does it to the guy fish.

14days is no big deal especially if they are young. If young they arent fully developed yet and are still working on their breeding schedual. +theres no telling if its a male/female either so if its 2 females and now that they are moved they arent in their mojo groove they may never show signs of pairing again. But give it time, 14 days is not very long at all. Ask Bill, he had some that took....a long time (i want to say 15-18months) before they started laying/breedingIts true they may be two females because it was only once that they layed and they ate the eggs and it did not get time to hatch so it can even be two girls, and it is kind of a short timeaccording to bill's time frame. i wil have some more patience.thanks for the wake up call DerekFF.:thumbsup:

10-31-2010, 10:42 PM

11-01-2010, 12:09 AM
You leave them alone

11-02-2010, 07:59 AM
a mate one of my breeding pairs had 3months off now they have started again give them time and watch your discus:bandana:

David Rose
11-02-2010, 08:13 AM
They need to still settle in to their new home. They come around when they're ready. Good luck and keep us posted!