View Full Version : Seachem Clarity Question

11-01-2010, 11:39 AM
I am on day 6 of water cloudiness from setup, it has gotten better, but not yet completely clear. I used 125# of freshwater sand...

Will using Seachem Clarity affect the cycling process at all? Remove good bacteria, etc? I don't want to remove the good stuff along with the annoying particals.


11-01-2010, 11:47 AM
how old is this tank(when was it setup)? are there fish?

11-01-2010, 11:48 AM

Are you doing water changes and if so, how much?

If all you are doing is cycling the tank, the water changes could help the cloudiness. The Seachem could not hurt, but it could just be the sand.

Did you rinse the sand prior to putting it in the tank?

It is better to always rinse the sand in a 5 gallon bucket with water flowing over the top until it runs clear. Then when you put it in the tank, you put in a large enough bowl to let the water your adding hit the bowl first and overflow into the tank to not disturb the sand any more than you have to.

keep us posted.

11-01-2010, 11:58 AM
I am on day 6 of cycling, a brand new tank, W/D filter, etc..
We rinsed the sand thoroughly in 5 gallon buckets, prior to adding..
We have 10 Diamond Tetras happily swimming around..
No water changes, only topping off for evaporation, since it's an open top..

It's been the same in cloudiness as the photo below for about 3 days, which makes me think, it's just tiny particals floating around?

Here is a photo from last night..

11-01-2010, 12:09 PM
It is probably time to do a 50% water change and get some of the cloudiness down. You wont hurt the fish doing so as they are already use to the tank water by now.

Is your filtration running good? You could add some activated carbon as well just to help clear the tank.

11-01-2010, 12:15 PM
I added Chem-Pure to the wet/dry and it all seems to be functioning great. My Python is in-route and suppose to be delivered Wednesday, so I will have to wait to do a water change until then.

Meanwhile it won't harm the biological to use the Clarity?

11-01-2010, 12:26 PM
It should not hurt anything Jewlz, but I am confident that water change is needed in order to see if it will clear things up.

You have what is called "White Water"

White Water

Caused by suspended sand (substrate) particles in the water column.
Usually appears in new tanks or when new substrate is added to tank.
In time, particles will settle out.
Mechanical filtration will help remove particles more quickly.
Reduce or redirect water movement in tank.

Have you purchased a water test kit Jewlz? Once your tank is cycled and clear, you will need to start testing the quality before adding discus. This could save you from losing some expensive fish.

But lets work on the cloudiness first!

11-01-2010, 12:33 PM
i had cloudy water my first week also.. from i finally figured out(after freaking out).. it was just a bacterial bloom.. it should clear up in a few days..

does the water smell funny?
ps.. this was my experience...

11-01-2010, 12:57 PM
Your tank isn't cycled and yes there's that suspended substrate jeff mentioned. But even if it was, I think Seachem Clarity is horrible. Api or Aqueon makes a much better product. It's surprising because PRIME and SAFE is so amazing.

11-01-2010, 01:02 PM
Your tank cloudiness doesn't appear too bad for a new tank - If by chance it's a bacterial bloom, it should clear up by itself given some time. If it's sand dust in the water column, you could try adding some Purigen & floss to your filter - & a good w/c will help too.

11-01-2010, 01:24 PM
Well, one lives and learns, I'm NOT liking the Clarity whatsoever! I love Prime and other other Seachem products but I don't think this one will be added to the list. When they say in the instructions it will cause cloudiness and that's how you know its working, they aren't kidding!! OMG looks like I threw dish soap in the tank...ick! Says it will clear in 1-2 hours, uhhh, I'll get back to you guys on that!

Yes the water has a slight odor, I noticed that right away, I also used Cycle to jumpstart bacteria..

Water change for sure on Wednesday when I have all my supplies, Python, garbage can, pump, tubing, etc

Thanks guys n gals!

11-01-2010, 02:34 PM
ok.. so it does smell.. my tank smelled so funny i almost didn't sleep i was so worried.. i thought my fish would die.. it cleared up after about 3-4 days (i think, maybe less)

BUT i don't know this CLARITY stuff.. is.. but it sounds like snake oil to me.. esp. if you dont' know what the cause is... its a brand new tank.. the bacteria are just adjusting to the bioload... if it was me.. i would stop addition of all chemcials.. and just keep up the water changes..

but its your tank.. so you do as you see fit...

11-01-2010, 03:36 PM
I am certainly NOT an advocate of Clarity at this point! I should have left it alone but I had success in the past with another product, my first clue should have been the color of the Clarity, its a weird brownish color, so what color do we think my tank is now? Brownish and cloudier than before, I'm not a happy camper! Grrrrrrr.....Fish don't care though...

So for anyone reading this thread, thinking about using this product, DON'T!! Oh and it's been 2 1/2 hours with NO clearing, unlike the 1-2 hours they say on the bottle!! Just my 2 cents...

11-10-2010, 06:08 PM
did it clear up? is there an update?

11-18-2010, 03:11 AM
id add a sponge pre-filter over the intake of the filtration.

11-18-2010, 03:39 PM
Here is my tid bit of info, I LOVE APIs product for this kind of stuff, it is called accu-clear. Its pretty much clear until it touches the water, once in the water it dispurses a white cloudish effect, it clears up in 1 hours to 4 hours depending on your filter. I would add some extra sponge or filter media and rinse your existing, all except the bio material, leave that alone....
It should clear a little. Usually I add accu-clear after a water change to catch anything I stirred up it grabs on to particles and helps them get caught in the filter! Hope that helps! Also, sometimes if it gets a greenish tint, turn the light off for a few days and maintain water changes.
Good luck!