View Full Version : beginner looking for some help

11-01-2010, 01:16 PM
I am a new member but I have been reading a ton on this website and thank you all for your tips. I have been reading a lot of discus for the past few months and want to start my own in the next few months. I am going to have a 45 gallon tank to start with and am thinking of getting 3-4 smaller discus. I know frequent water changes and feedings are a must for the little guys.

I have a few questions though. What is the best filter, sponge or outside? Is sand of gravel preferable because I want to have plants in there as well. What are good tank mates? I read that small tetras relax the discus because they feel safer when they are around. Any tips you can think of even if I have failed to mention will be greatly appreciated.

11-01-2010, 02:08 PM
I am a new member but I have been reading a ton on this website and thank you all for your tips. I have been reading a lot of discus for the past few months and want to start my own in the next few months. I am going to have a 45 gallon tank to start with and am thinking of getting 3-4 smaller discus. I know frequent water changes and feedings are a must for the little guys.

I have a few questions though. What is the best filter, sponge or outside? Is sand of gravel preferable because I want to have plants in there as well. What are good tank mates? I read that small tetras relax the discus because they feel safer when they are around. Any tips you can think of even if I have failed to mention will be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to SD:)

I would suggest a BB tank if you are going to grow out your juvies. With the frequent feedings, the water will become polluted, a BB tank will help make all the clean up easier. I would also suggest getting at least 6 juvies to start. 3-4 may lead to over aggression against the weakiest one.

I personally have HOB filter and sponge filters.


11-01-2010, 02:31 PM
Welcome! Heres my 2 bits for you. This isnt a poor mans/womans game so make sure financially you can do this (more of a disclaimer to all in our doodoo economic times about discus) Id also suggest 5-6 fish as the aggression can get a little wild when they are small and they stress easy. 45g tank is a little borderline size to start. Is there any way you can go 55g? Would give you a little more room for the fish to grow longer and help with water quality a bit. In terms of the substrate id go BB also as suggested but its up to you. Plenty of people raise discus in planted tanks, just takes more work and maintenance. Id grow them out a bit before doing the planted tank plunge. You can do gravel on bottom for looks, but only do like 1-2 pieces of gravel deep, just enough to barely cover the bottom. For a tank your size a HOB filter would be fine, the emperor filter would be a good one, pretty classic. Theres a debate on this forum about canister filters, which are more expensive but very nice/hidden and do a great job. Long reply, best of luck, keep reading and enjoy the hobby!

11-01-2010, 02:36 PM
I use an AquaClear 110 (hang on back) and a Fluval 405 canister filter on my 95 gallon tank. I prefer to use both because I have a planted tank that I just don't trust one filter. Since you are in a 45 gallon tank, you could try a good hang on back filter if you go as suggested with a bare bottom. I would recommend an AquaClear 70 or 110, it should be fine.

If you are going planted, you may want a canister as well with the longer extension on it to get close down to the substrate like mine. It will help get anything floating from the bottom.

Also as mentioned I would get at least 6 discus and some cory's and albino pleco's for a cleanup crew and maybe about 6 tetras. You don't want to over crowd the tank especially if you are putting plants in the tank.

Good Luck and some pictures when you are up and running.

Kingdom Come Discus
11-01-2010, 07:06 PM
Hello and welcome,

I agree with all above, you need more than four discus to start out with. I would try to get six to eight. That way the pecking order won't single out one fish. Most likley with four fish one will be singled out and stressed maybe to the point of death. As far as growing out discus in a large tank. If you get small fish under 3 inches you are better to put them in a 20 to 29 gallon so they don't use up all their protien on swimming. I learned this from Dale Jordan. Place them in a bigger tank after you get some size on them.

Good Luck,

11-01-2010, 08:57 PM
i completely agree with the experts here.i like to say 2 more things.if possible make the aquarium height of 2 feet.due to the body shape of discus it moves vertically more than horizontally.heigher will be the height higher will be their movements. and since you are going to buy juvenile discus feeding will be also a most important factor to growth your discus.for juveniles you can feed 4-5 times per day.you can feed them brine shrimp,beef/turkey heart mixture,artemia,bloodworms etc.
i request the experts to say whether i am right or not.i learn these things from my little knowledge.i am also a newbie.i also want to learn a lot from all of you.

11-02-2010, 12:39 PM
ill keep these in mind thanks for everyones input and advice i appreciate it

11-03-2010, 01:21 AM
what can i say welcome to the forum hope you love discus as much as us:bandana:

11-06-2010, 03:27 PM
Hello and welcome,

I agree with all above, you need more than four discus to start out with. I would try to get six to eight. That way the pecking order won't single out one fish. Most likley with four fish one will be singled out and stressed maybe to the point of death. As far as growing out discus in a large tank. If you get small fish under 3 inches you are better to put them in a 20 to 29 gallon so they don't use up all their protien on swimming. I learned this from Dale Jordan. Place them in a bigger tank after you get some size on them.

Good Luck,

Not to hijack the thread, but I am also in the newbie stage :D I currently have a 125g CA cichlid tank setup that I want to make my discus tank. I like the idea of getting 6 or 8 juvies and putting them in a 20g until they get some size. What would be good for filtration? just a sponge or HOB filter? I could keep them in that until I get the 125g where it needs to be.

11-06-2010, 03:43 PM

Good luck man!
+1 on bristlenose plecos, they will eat up the slime in your tank making maintenance a lot easier.
Tank size, hmmm different people different opinions. I have a 37G tank with 5 adult discus @5.5~6in that i raised in it from 2in +3plecos,3 cory cats, 2 tetres.
It is bare bottom, painted on bottom which i think is important. I have some plants attached to 1piece of driftwood. I used to do 50%wc every other or every 3rd day when they were growing. Now i do 25% every week-2weeeks(like past 5-6 months) and i just had one discus lay eggs in this very crowded tank:)
Few more months and my fish will be rewarded with a nice 210G that i dream offff:)

Oh, almost forgot! Buy your fish from a sponsor here or some local breeder! not LFS not somthingphi******.com

11-06-2010, 07:44 PM
flan.. why don't you just try to keep the DISCUS alive first.. before you think of tetras, plants or other fish. esp. if you are new to to this.. : )

11-06-2010, 07:56 PM
Not to hijack the thread, but I am also in the newbie stage :D I currently have a 125g CA cichlid tank setup that I want to make my discus tank. I like the idea of getting 6 or 8 juvies and putting them in a 20g until they get some size. What would be good for filtration? just a sponge or HOB filter? I could keep them in that until I get the 125g where it needs to be.

20g is too small for 6-8 imho unless they are 2" or so

11-06-2010, 08:54 PM
@jabuc,if you like to keep 6-8 juvenile discus then you will have to provide(or i'll provide) 30-35 gallon tank.feed them 6 times a day and do 50% water change daily.

11-06-2010, 08:57 PM
20g is too small for 6-8 imho unless they are 2" or so

I agree...I was responding to the quoted reply, it would be for 2" fish, I have a 125g, not to worried about space.

11-06-2010, 08:58 PM
@jabuc,if you like to keep 6-8 juvenile discus then you will have to provide(or i'll provide) 30-35 gallon tank.feed them 6 times a day and do 50% water change daily.

You will provide? don't understand....also 50% daily change, really???

11-06-2010, 09:02 PM
i want to say that if i keep 6-8 juvenile discus i will keep them in a 30-35 gallon tank.
ya for better growth i performed 50% water change daily.but you can do 30% in an alternate day.but best if you do more water change daily.
bigger the tank you'll provide and higher the water change will cause better growth of juvenile discus.

11-06-2010, 09:29 PM
20g is too small for 6-8 imho unless they are 2" or so

Yup, even at 2" I would not keep them in a 20. 6-8 two inch fish will do better in a 55 to start. These fish were just over 2 inches and started in a 55 gallon.
