View Full Version : how old is old?

11-05-2010, 01:22 PM
What is considered an "adult" in months for a Discus?
What is considered an appropriate length for an Adult?
Is there a scale for example 2 month fish should be approx 2" etc.? like making a child's growth according to age to know if they are within the norms?
last if a fish is undersized and not seem to be growing should it be separated maybe put into to "stunted fish" tank (as still beautiful)?:confused: thanks so much for any input!!

11-05-2010, 04:44 PM
What is considered an "adult" in months for a Discus?

I say 14-16 months, this is when both male and female are sexually active and produce fertile eggs and milt.

What is considered an appropriate length for an Adult?

It depends on the strain, but generally 6" is the norm.

Is there a scale for example 2 month fish should be approx 2" etc.? like making a child's growth according to age to know if they are within the norms?

It depends on the user, some could get a 4incher within 4 months, whilst some could get it to 5" in 4months. Genetics, basic husbandry all play a role in the growth of a discus.

last if a fish is undersized and not seem to be growing should it be separated maybe put into to "stunted fish" tank (as still beautiful)?:confused: thanks so much for any input!!

For better share of food, yes you could separate to pump it up (give it some weight and growth) but do remember, the smallest (or less dominant) one will take its' place (meaning that will be the victim)

11-05-2010, 07:52 PM
Ditto on Kev's post except that a stunted is already stunted, there is no growing out a stunted fish or that would really not be a stunted fish at all. If its a slow growing type or a fish that appears to not be growing as fast as the others, sometimes moving the fish to another tank with smaller fish can help.

11-05-2010, 08:52 PM
Ditto on Kev's post except that a stunted is already stunted, there is no growing out a stunted fish or that would really not be a stunted fish at all. If its a slow growing type or a fish that appears to not be growing as fast as the others, sometimes moving the fish to another tank with smaller fish can help.

Definitely correct wrt stunted fish. Growing them out is like trying to turn a steer back into a bull...

11-07-2010, 10:32 AM
Thanks its all clear now
but this leads me to the next couple questions regarding stunted or small otherwise fish. I have now 15 discus of various qualities, (i believe none are show types, i did not want to take a risk losing a fish as a beginner with so much value but did try to stay within what i understood to good qualities), they are also of mixed ages, none Adult as per the spec above, eat and behave normally, I have had them all now for 3 months, the water parameters are well within bounds and i am doing daily 50 -60% water changes with a once a week +80%....so to the point out the 15 there are 3 that seem not to grow, 2 of them may fit into the slow growing category. If i separate the 3 into a smaller tank (bare bottom with only a few yo yo or Myanmar loaches and get some growth from any or all of them ....what is would you recommend to do with the remainder of the :( confirmed stunted fish?

11-07-2010, 07:20 PM
The basic choices wrt stunted fish are to keep them, adopt them out to a hobbyist who knows they're stunted, or euthanize them.

You may find a hobbyist wanting to keep discus who lacks funds and experience who will accept stunted fish as a gift. Just be honest.

11-07-2010, 08:21 PM
The basic choices wrt stunted fish are to keep them, adopt them out to a hobbyist who knows they're stunted, or euthanize them.

You may find a hobbyist wanting to keep discus who lacks funds and experience who will accept stunted fish as a gift. Just be honest.

Ditto on Jhhnn's suggestions, I'd give them away.

11-21-2010, 07:27 AM
yes they can get intestenal blockage witch can also stunt growth,
its all in genitics of the fish that can also effect size ect...
sexual maturity is about 12months and they can grow up to 10" max but thats a freak
most 6-8"