View Full Version : Light required for fry to attach to parents

11-07-2010, 03:03 PM
Is a lot of light required at the stage when wrigglers become free swimming but not yet attached to parents?

11-07-2010, 05:56 PM
I have experimented with this a lot. I have 29 gallon tanks with those 17 watt florecent bulbs that come with the setup. I usually just have a night lite on or any dim light just after eggs are laid. I dont want a lot of light at this stage as it causes algae and I like to leave the fish alone or they may eat eggs. As they go free swimming I remove the sponge filter and just use an airstone. I lower the water level and turn the (17) watt light on 24/7. I tried dim light at this stage and the fry always take longer to attach. HTH.

11-07-2010, 08:00 PM
I use a basic light fixture and its over 2 tanks instead of one. I now never lower the water level unless I am dealing with albinos. Some also do this for pigeon types that may have attach problems.


11-08-2010, 03:10 PM
I always have at least one light on in the fish house 24/7. I don't do any of the other stuff. I don't drop the water, I don't pull the sponges. If you are having problems with fry attachment then try all of the that, but don't make your life difficult unless you have to.
