View Full Version : white stringy poop.

Love Discus
11-09-2010, 12:52 AM
3 discus are affected. They all have white pooh, not jelly like, more like threads. They will not eat. they are all somewhat lethargic, and not social or up at the front of the tank begging for food. they are some what dark aswell.

I think I have this narrowed down to where you guys can help me, The two biggest things I note: White poop, and the are kind of pointing downward, sort of headstanding but only about 10 degrees vs 90 degrees.

They are all still very fat, and look pretty heathy except for pointing a little downward.

They wont eat anything so i cant lace their food? What should I do? I know some of you people have the solution.

1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started
--Started less than two weeks ago, 3 of nine fish started eating less and less @ feeding.

2. Symptoms
--They all have white pooh, not jelly like, more like threads. They will not eat. they are all somewhat lethargic, and not social or up at the front of the tank begging for food. they are some what dark aswell. Sort of headstanding but only about 10 degrees vs 90 degrees.

3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.
--I have tried two salt dips on the my most prized of the 3. dip At 86 degrees in 6tbsp salt per gallon, untill labididy (sppppppp) was lost. No difference, just freaked the fish out.

4. Tank size and age, number and size of fish
--72bow, 6 months. 9 discus 4 1/2 inches or less. Have since been swapped to a ten gallon seeded with gunk from 72.

5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?
25% change daily, BB, aged water 20% Tap, 80% RO (TDS 5)
--33% everyday or every other day (keep nitrAte below 10), Straight aged tap treated with prime, 1/2 ich sand substrate. 10 gallon is bare bottom, and i am changing 50+% daily.

6 Parameters and water source;
--Parameters 2 hours ago, ammonia 0, nitrIte 0, nitrAte <5, ph 7.6.. gh- fresh tap like 70.:balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon:

Love Discus
11-09-2010, 12:54 AM
I can probably get a vid up if you really need but ive been busy.

11-09-2010, 01:01 AM
What should I do? I know some of you people have the solution.:)

cut and paste the SICKNESS Questionnaire and answer the questions.... first..

Love Discus
11-09-2010, 01:12 AM
yeah sorry. I should probably read the rules


11-09-2010, 01:14 AM
yeah sorry. I should probably read the rules.

it just speeds things up.. :) we all get freaked out if your fish are not well..

11-09-2010, 02:13 AM
For starters, salt dips are very ineffective for internal issues. It is also extremely stressful on sick fish and can kill them so its very important to know what you are dealing with.

The stringy white poo is internal related, either flagelattes or worms. I would not treat 3 each 4.5" fish in a 10 gallon. Are the 3 fish in the 10 gallon? Thats a bit too cramped. Invest in a 30-45-55 if you can, something that can hold all your fish if the need arises. Hospital tanks need no filtration at all, you should rely on water changes.

Are these fish from a good source?

Love Discus
11-09-2010, 02:41 AM
For starters, salt dips are very ineffective for internal issues. It is also extremely stressful on sick fish and can kill them so its very important to know what you are dealing with.

The stringy white poo is internal related, either flagelattes or worms. I would not treat 3 each 4.5" fish in a 10 gallon. Are the 3 fish in the 10 gallon? Thats a bit too cramped. Invest in a 30-45-55 if you can, something that can hold all your fish if the need arises. Hospital tanks need no filtration at all, you should rely on water changes.

Are these fish from a good source?
sorry. I meant no fish in the 72 is bigger than 4.5 inches. the 3 effected are all about 2 1/2 inches. I have been doing 50% changes everyday.

I did the salt dips because I thought the one may have been constipated. I now suspect worms because he has had a slightly rounded belly and hasn't eaten in over a week (the other 2 aswell). he has pooped now, so hes not constipated?

Thanks for the advice eddie, I do have a 55 gallon with a million guppies in it if the need arises, but that would mean the end of a LOT of guppies:(.

How would you treat this? should I dump the guppies in a storage tub? I need pics for you guys.. I will have them tomorrrow.

11-09-2010, 03:11 AM
Tom, forget the pictures, forget everything more or less, get a cheap microscope (or an expensive if you want) put some of the poo under it and tell what you see. Just a guess but about 90% of the problems you can find in the poo special when the color is off.

I feel like an old record where the needle sticks at one place:

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope



11-09-2010, 03:39 AM
Good idea Hans. We need to know what were looking at/for though also, otherwise a microscope doesnt do most of us any good

11-09-2010, 03:47 AM
Good idea Hans. We need to know what were looking at/for though also, otherwise a microscope doesnt do most of us any good


90% you can find online. What was always a great help for me is Discus Health from Dieter Untergasser, this book has pictures tells you how much they are blown up, 40X 400X etc

Easiest thing to see is Capillaria eggs.

This way you know what med to use and most of the guessing try this, do that, maybe this if that doesn't work.

You win a lot of time, time, time and time if you know what you are doing.


11-09-2010, 06:00 AM
Tom, forget the pictures, forget everything more or less, get a cheap microscope (or an expensive if you want) put some of the poo under it and tell what you see. Just a guess but about 90% of the problems you can find in the poo special when the color is off.

I feel like an old record where the needle sticks at one place:

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope



DITTO!!! A microscope is a definite!

11-09-2010, 12:53 PM
Can anyone recommend a cheap good microscope?

Love Discus
11-09-2010, 05:50 PM
Tom, forget the pictures, forget everything more or less, get a cheap microscope (or an expensive if you want) put some of the poo under it and tell what you see. Just a guess but about 90% of the problems you can find in the poo special when the color is off.

I feel like an old record where the needle sticks at one place:

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope

get a microscope


sorry Hans I have been trying to get a microscope for awile now I asked for my birthday and I will be asking for Christmas but I know I wont get one. One of these days my car insurance will go down, that will help.

I can take a sample to one of my teachers but it would have to sit for atleast 8 hours and thats if I can catch one of them in the act.:(

Love Discus
11-09-2010, 05:55 PM
No body has any ideas? The only advice you all have is to buy a microscope? I can't afford a microscope. :'(

11-09-2010, 07:44 PM
some do not scope they treat with metro then fenbendazole. when that don't work they use kanamycin.

11-09-2010, 08:17 PM
No body has any ideas? The only advice you all have is to buy a microscope? I can't afford a microscope. :'(

Tom, it doesn't need to be a stereo what ever microscope, probably Wallmart has those kid sets for a few $$, those can do the job already.

many do not scope they treat with metro then fenbendazole. when that don't work they use kanamycin.

Jim, this is why I stay out off this: Disease/Sickness and Medication section (I know, I know I did it again) Metro ===> Fenbendazole ===> Kanamycin

This to me is like:

Q: Doctor I've a headache.
A: hmmmm let me see, let's take off your right leg

1 week later

Q: Doctor it didn't work
A: okay lets try your left arm

2 weeks later

Doctor, I found out what it was, if I drink my coffee I leave my spoon in the cup and when I drink my coffee the spoon is hitting my forehead.

Now can I have my arm and leg back....................

............... okay I know, I should have stayed out off this section of the forum,


11-09-2010, 08:17 PM
What do you feed and how often do you feed?

11-09-2010, 09:27 PM
Tom, it doesn't need to be a stereo what ever microscope, probably Wallmart has those kid sets for a few $$, those can do the job already.

Jim, this is why I stay out off this: Disease/Sickness and Medication section (I know, I know I did it again) Metro ===> Fenbendazole ===> Kanamycin

This to me is like:

Q: Doctor I've a headache.
A: hmmmm let me see, let's take off your right leg

1 week later

Q: Doctor it didn't work
A: okay lets try your left arm

2 weeks later

Doctor, I found out what it was, if I drink my coffee I leave my spoon in the cup and when I drink my coffee the spoon is hitting my forehead.

Now can I have my arm and leg back....................

............... okay I know, I should have stayed out off this section of the forum,


LMAO, you always kill me when you post in this section Hans, I love it! :D

11-09-2010, 09:36 PM
LMAO, you always kill me when you post in this section Hans, I love it! :D

Buddy I don't want you to die, take a PP bad, if that doesn't work open your cabinet and take a few of the meds, I'm sure one of them will work lol lol lol

but first poo on your microscope lol lol lol lol lol


11-09-2010, 09:41 PM
Tom, it doesn't need to be a stereo what ever microscope, probably Wallmart has those kid sets for a few $$, those can do the job already.

Jim, this is why I stay out off this: Disease/Sickness and Medication section (I know, I know I did it again) Metro ===> Fenbendazole ===> Kanamycin

This to me is like:

Q: Doctor I've a headache.
A: hmmmm let me see, let's take off your right leg

1 week later

Q: Doctor it didn't work
A: okay lets try your left arm

2 weeks later

Doctor, I found out what it was, if I drink my coffee I leave my spoon in the cup and when I drink my coffee the spoon is hitting my forehead.

Now can I have my arm and leg back....................

............... okay I know, I should have stayed out off this section of the forum,


I scope! He said he don't have one what can he do. I stated SOME do metro,fenb.kana. In other words you can try what many try! And go blindly!
Do not jump on me when you do not know what I meant Hans!

11-09-2010, 09:41 PM
Buddy I don't want you to die, take a PP bad, if that doesn't work open your cabinet and take a few of the meds, I'm sure one of them will work lol lol lol

but first poo on your microscope lol lol lol lol lol



11-09-2010, 09:54 PM
Buddy I don't want you to die, take a PP bad, if that doesn't work open your cabinet and take a few of the meds, I'm sure one of them will work lol lol lol

but first poo on your microscope lol lol lol lol lol


Are you being a wise *** Hans? there is no reason for an a- hole comment like that!

11-09-2010, 10:01 PM
Hans has a very dry sense of humor Jim... I don't think he ever tries to insult anyone. :o

11-09-2010, 10:04 PM
Shill ! Is all in Good Humor :)

11-09-2010, 10:05 PM
I scope! He said he don't have one what can he do. I stated SOME do metro,fenb.kana. In other words you can try what many try! And go blindly!
Do not jump on me when you do not know what I meant Hans!

Jim, don't take this personal, it was absolute not mend in that way, go to 90% of the post in this section and people are just guessing.
White poo, I can give you at least 15 reasons why a Discus can have white poo, none of them will be solved with the same medication. It's like rolling a dice, hmmmm dice is only 6 Let's make that 12 reasons and take 2 dices.

Again Jim sorry if you thought it was personal, it was NOT,


11-09-2010, 10:07 PM
Are you being a wise *** Hans? there is no reason for an a- hole comment like that!

Jim, come on man................. I only wanted Eddie to feel for a moment what those fish feel lol lol lol



11-09-2010, 10:08 PM
No that was not a dry sense of humor it was a smart-*** childish remark!
I gave that as a last resort when someone don't have access to scopes.
Many many people on here always tell everyone to jump to metro when they see white feces which I have always disagreed with. I have mentioned many times how many different reasons they can have white feces.
Hans should have stayed out of this section he was right. if you do not agree with someones comments keep you mouth shut and simply give yours!

11-09-2010, 10:20 PM
No that was not a dry sense of humor it was a smart-*** childish remark!
I gave that as a last resort when someone don't have access to scopes.
Many many people on here always tell everyone to jump to metro when they see white feces which I have always disagreed with. I have mentioned many times how many different reasons they can have white feces.
Hans should have stayed out of this section he was right. if you do not agree with someones comments keep you mouth shut and simply give yours!

Man, RELAX what did you eat to night???? something spicy?????

I saw your PM and that you canceled your order on the wilds over this, I take your advice and will shove them up my....... what ever............

Pfffffffffffff let me look out side, is it full moon??????
