View Full Version : diving into the discus world

11-10-2010, 07:41 PM
hey guys, im interested on starting a discus tank, will be begining with a KISS (keep it simple stupid) method, but im debating on which tank i should get, my 2 options are either a 55-60 gallon 4ft tank, or a 3ft 65 gallon. what would u guys suggest for more of a display tank. wanted to get an osaka 260 but no one carries them no more. its will be simple white sand with a driftwood and hardy plants siutable for discus temps like java fern/moss anubias, swords, oreintaded to one side (left), and the right would be a open swimming area, concept include these few references:

11-11-2010, 08:45 AM
Well the 65 gallon would give you height verses the 55 or 60, but they give you length. Its a 50/50 shot. I personally like the 65 as it has height and depth for a nice display tank.

Now, if you have the room for a 48" tank, then might I suggest finding a 90 or 95 wave tank? The 90 gallons run on craigslist for almost the same price if you wait it out.

White sand is a nice substrate or Eco-Complete for a darker look. I have a 95 gallon wave with the dark substrate planted tank. I run an AquaClear 110 and a Fluval 405. Tank is spotless and the fish and plants love it.

Good luck in what you decide and lots of pictures!

11-11-2010, 09:24 AM
i will also go for a 4 feet tank.but it will be best if you make its height of 2 feet.as you know due to the body pattern of discus it moves more vertically than horizontally.apart from it whatever you mention you can do it.white sand or driftwood...your tank will definitely look nice if you properly maintain it.which type of discus do you want to keep?and of how many numbers?

Jason K.
11-11-2010, 10:25 AM
55 minimal, 75 or a 90 would be better.

11-11-2010, 10:29 AM
Well, to keep it really simple I suggest going bare bottom if you're getting juveniles. I had sand for a week or 2 at first but they eat & poo a lot. If you're getting adults then sand & plants would be less bother, I may try that soon.

I used a 55g but a 75 or 90 would be better if you have room.

11-11-2010, 06:59 PM
ill be purchasing 5" discuz i believe these would be sub adults, i have the room for a 48x18 but it just looks akward in my room were most of my tanks are 12 inches and the shelve units there on are 16 inches, id probably keep 5 discus, 2 blue diamons, 1 blood pigeon, and 2 blue turqiouse

11-21-2010, 07:12 AM
bigger the better, at least a 70gal with no less than 6