View Full Version : search and no result

11-13-2010, 12:31 PM
I am sure I am not the only one with this problem, as shocking as it may be to some members I have some other pets in my house besides Discus. My two dogs keep getting re-infested with fleas., without getting into everything i have done to the dogs to keep the fleas out nothing is totally effective. It is at the point where i need to get some pest control in the house and also spraying the area surrounding my house (possibly shooting the street dogs the live in the property behind lol). So how can I protect the fish from exposure? for how long do think they will need to be protected? I thought about sealing the tank with shrink wrap? I also thought i can move the tank outside after draining about 80% and fumigate inside first wait 2 or 3 days and move it back then spray outside (I am in Thailand as it winter the temp is stable at about 80 -84 with not direct sun) advise please?

11-14-2010, 06:34 AM
First of all, if you can get Comfortis in Thailand you should try it on the dogs before you resort to spraying.In the Sttes it's availble through your veterinarian only. It's a chewable and IMO is the only fora product that does MORE than it claims. In the deep South of the US the topical products no longer work for us either. With Comfortis the fleas start droping off the dog within a half hour. It is supposed to keep killing them for a month. In my experience it works for close to 3 months! If your house is heavily infested it could be a week or so before they are all gone, but since the fleas would much to prefer to be on your dogs than on you, they will find their way to the dogs and then die.

Exterminators generlly use Pyrethrins when they spray for fleas. They are one of the safest incecticides as they break down very fast in the environment. Unfortunatly, they are toxic to fish. I would think that you could move the fish to a plastic container outside, cover the tank with shrink wrap, turn off the air, and re-introduce the fish once the product has dried. Your exterminator should be able to advise you better on this.

11-15-2010, 12:46 PM
thanks i searched all over Bangkok at many vets but no seemed to either know about it or have it. I am trying though one last battle, one last stand with everything i can find short of fumigate we will see thanks for the help

11-15-2010, 01:07 PM
About 12 years ago, I had a similar issue. I tried everything to get rid of them off my cats and nothing was working. So I had to resort to bombing my house. The product said to cover all aquariums, they never said to turn off all filtration. But knowing to do so, I did everything, guess what, fish died, sued company, now their labels read turn off filtration, cover aquariums or remove fish. I had to wash everything out with bleach and still had issues 6 months later. It was not a good year that year.

Be careful what you decide to do but I suggest rehousing them if you can. It will save you the aggravation of worrying whether the product will harm your aquariums.

11-23-2010, 01:34 PM
thanks for the input i actually think i have it under control now...i removed the dogs from the general area of the house off the rear balcony and hand removed any flea i saw with tape, then before i went to work i used water soluble bedding spray but never in the downstairs area with the tanks i shampooed the dogs every 3 days used flea collars and frontline as the pills the other member suggested are not available either through vets or otherwise as far as i can tell....i will continue this regime for another 2 months with the dogs banned from the general living area