View Full Version : how long will culture in filter last?

11-16-2010, 03:27 PM
My filter leaked and i had to move my fish into a tub. They have heat and a air stone. I hope to have em back in a tank in 48 hours once the carpet and under lay is done. I left water in the filter. Will it be ok to add water and fish?

11-16-2010, 04:16 PM
My guess is that the culture will be fine as long as it's kept in water. If it were me, I'd let the filter cycle all the new water for a couple hours, then slowly acclimate the fish to the tank.

Got any Seachem Stability or other similar product to help out?

11-16-2010, 04:27 PM
I want to clarify what you are asking. Are you questioning if the filter bacteria will be ok in the filter [that leaked]? If it's less than about 10 hours, I think you will be fine. What I would be doing instead is to pull the filter media out of there and get it in a container with a power jet or sponge filter or something to keep water flowing and air exchange going. In that situation, you could sit on it for weeks if you needed to. If it is just sitting in a dead filter, in a while I would not feel comfortable to just turn it back on, since you will blow a lot of dead bacteria out into the tanks' water column.
Best regards,

11-16-2010, 06:17 PM
What I would be doing instead is to pull the filter media out of there and get it in a container with a power jet or sponge filter or something to keep water flowing and air exchange going.

I think the reason Harriett recommends this is to keep oxygenating the bacteria. They will die if left in standing water, they'll consume the O2, and then die if it's not replenished. The only caution I would make is to be sure that whatever water you're using to circulate the bacteria, it must be de-chlorinated. Good luck!

11-16-2010, 09:47 PM
Thanks all.. I taped the cannister lines into the tub and am running the filter. Is it common for heaters to not be able to keep up when there is no flow? I have two fluval 300s in a 20 gal tub and they barely keep 82.

11-18-2010, 10:08 AM
Thanks all.. I taped the cannister lines into the tub and am running the filter. Is it common for heaters to not be able to keep up when there is no flow? I have two fluval 300s in a 20 gal tub and they barely keep 82.

You may have heater problems, but it's tougher for heaters to keep up when the container top is open, allowing heat to escape that way, and if the tub is sitting on concrete, heat will rapidly escape into the slab, too... which acts like a giant heatsink.

11-18-2010, 04:29 PM
i have unplugged my HOB filter during WC at nite and forgot about it till in the morning.. i just plugged it back in and keep fingers crossed :) no problems.. :)

11-20-2010, 11:57 AM
Well they lived in a tub for a week and finally got back in the tank last night. Xing my fingers !!!