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View Full Version : Initial speaker list for 2011ACA convention

11-20-2010, 09:26 AM
Okay, Here is the initial speaker list for ACA2011
(note: This was also posted in the members only section. If you were a member then you got to see it first.)

Bio's and more information will be coming soon.....

Greg Steeves - Lake Victoria (Presented by CARES)

Rusty Wessel, Eric Hanneman, Joe Middleton - Guatemalan Cichlids (Presented by Central American Study Group)

Wayne Leibel - Acaras (Presented by South American Study Group)

Vin Kutty - Crenicichla

René Krüter - Lake Tanganyika

Ad Konings - Lake Malawi

Zeb Hogan - Conservation, Monster Fish (Sponsored by Monster Aquaria Network)

We're excited with the mix of speakers lined up for 2011. It's a great blend of the familiar and the fresh faces within the cichlid hobby. And it's all capped off with Zeb Hogan of NatGeoTV's Monster Fish.

11-20-2010, 09:30 AM
Zeb Hogan

11-20-2010, 09:50 AM
Good heavens!! I work with this variety of stingray at the aquarium, the Atlantic stingray, and ours are only young, about 18" across. I am printing this pic to take to work and show visitors how big they can get. What an amazing pic. Was it catch and release, I hope?

11-20-2010, 10:49 AM
I am sure it was he is all about the saving of large species.
Oh and also remember that this is a Freshwater ray.

11-20-2010, 06:08 PM
Pretty sure that is the Mekong river Giant Stingray. That specimen was caught in Cambodia and measured 13 feet long.

11-21-2010, 10:03 AM
Oh I see, I assumed it was a saltwater ray since it looks like the Atlantic ray. But with 500 species of ray around the world I'm sure lots of them must look similar. Thanks for the info.