View Full Version : How much to feed FRY is enough?

11-22-2010, 12:51 PM
I have read many posts that people say that we need to feed fry 5-6 times a day and do the water change 2-3 times a day. BUT I do not know how much should I feed time each time?
I have about 100 fry in 29gallon, more than 3 weeks old. They are all about almost 3/4 ". Is it the right size they should be now? Right now I think CBW is too big for their mouth.
Please give me your advice. Thank you for all your inputs and help.

11-22-2010, 01:03 PM
When I feed fry I can not give you a simple answer. I add enough food so that I see all the babies have full round stomachs. You can see the little bellies full when you look at them and I give them at least an hour to eat.

I have been at it so long I know how much of my food I need to give them so there is very little left on the bottom if any at all. It there is any left on the bottom I siphon it off and replace the water that is removed.

I have my own sea food mix and I use a cheese grader to chip it into small bits so it is spread evenly across the bottom of the tank so all the fish can eat. I do not like to put a large piece in there because the tough ones keep the smaller ones from getting food and then they do not grow evenly as a group.

11-22-2010, 02:58 PM
So when is the best time to start to feed them Beefheart and CBW? I usually only do te water change one hour before or after feeding, because I don't want they get shock by water change. I feed them in every 3,4 hours. Am I doing a right thing? Only 3 weeks but 5,6 of them died. (they were one of the smallest one) Is this normal die off rate?

11-22-2010, 03:15 PM
they are going to outgrow that TANK QUICK! .. i had 40 in a 29g that were the same size.. i split them up a couple of weeks later.. but be aware that they are still producing LOTS OF WASTE.. so don't be suprised if you lose some.. think of the 29g as a Portable Toilet with 100 people using in a 24 hr period wth one cleaning.. be them separated soon.. or hope you are already working on that part!

11-22-2010, 05:48 PM
At 3 weeks old they should be eating on their own by now. I take them out of the 29 and move them to a 55 gallon tank so they have room to grow.

11-22-2010, 07:58 PM
I separate them at 2 weeks old. Because there were to many and only dad raised the fry. Right now they are all 3 weeks old but 5,6 died already. Is it te normal die off rate? Does anyone think they die because of overfeed?
Thank you very much

11-22-2010, 08:25 PM
I have about 150 that I removed from parents in a 55 and still do 2 100% water changes a day 3weeks now. I have never had any fry after attaching just die even the small ones, and IMO don't think you can overfeed them every feeding I fill them up and feed 6 to 8 times a day. Larry

11-22-2010, 09:20 PM
So when is the best to wean freshly hatch BBS ? And when is the best time to feed them beefheart? any advice?

11-22-2010, 09:24 PM
So when is the best to wean freshly hatch BBS ? And when is the best time to feed them beefheart? any advice?

LOL, you'll get a million answers in this one! Mine will feed off the parents food at around 2 weeks old.