View Full Version : Yoru help: Choosing between a paired couple or two separate individuals?

11-25-2010, 05:03 PM
Greetings from Venezuela and thank you very much for such a great site. I would appreciate your advice: I have three 8cms (3") discus in a 300 lts. (80 gal) tank. A pair of them getting along great (blues) and the third (a pigeon) dealing with honor the harassment from the pair. I want to add two additional fishes of similar size (turquoises), but I need to decide between adding a juvenile “couple” (already getting along) and 2 fishes selected randomly. These fishes will be just a bit bigger (1 or 2 cms) than the three I have already. My main concern is to avoid having the single pigeon dealing with the aggression of four fishes rather than the actual pair. ¿Which option would you take considering my main interest is to achieve the higher level of peace or at least distribute the aggression among all?. MUCHAS GRACIAS.