View Full Version : Please stop!

11-26-2010, 11:16 AM
Please stop trash talking on Simply Discus - you're just a computer geek with no life.

11-26-2010, 11:19 AM
who? lol

11-26-2010, 11:26 AM
who are u referring to mate ?:alien:

11-26-2010, 11:39 AM
Please stop trash talking on Simply Discus - you're just a computer geek with no life.


11-26-2010, 11:46 AM
I'll play Tito! I pick door number 3, did someone send this to u by PM???

11-26-2010, 11:50 AM
i love it. keeps it interesting.
stupid trashtalkers kma!

11-26-2010, 11:52 AM
This is a Generic.

If the shoe fits wear it.

If it doesn't - don't try to fit it.


11-26-2010, 11:58 AM
good grief Tito

11-26-2010, 12:03 PM
tito.. did you forget your meds? ;)

11-26-2010, 12:06 PM
tito.. did you forget your meds? ;)LOL

This thread is dedicated to all those liars out there.

You know - you say you have 100 fry but you only have 20 growing out. Or the guy that says he bought sa how piece Dinner Plate for $900 and he really got stuck with a $100 3" runt. lol

This has got to be the only thread dedicated to our top of the line fellow Discus Hobbyist who are on top of the world.....if only in their own mind.

11-26-2010, 12:08 PM
good grief Tito

Hehe - I'll be ok.

11-26-2010, 12:15 PM
TITOOOOO, you r slow today! I just trashed you with my OP.. Do my jokes need to be more obvious??? You take the fun out of it for me:/

11-26-2010, 12:36 PM
TITOOOOO, you r slow today! I just trashed you with my OP.. Do my jokes need to be more obvious??? You take the fun out of it for me:/


I'm glad you all see the humor. Heaven forbid should I be labeled a Cyber Bully! Then 10 years from now I can't run for Senator! LOL

11-26-2010, 12:38 PM
Tito is suffering from post-Thanksgiving depression!


11-26-2010, 02:21 PM

I'm glad you all see the humor. Heaven forbid should I be labeled a Cyber Bully! Then 10 years from now I can't run for Senator! LOL

I would vote for you anyday.....Rangel got re-elected so you still have a chance......Problem is I don't live in the Bronx.

11-26-2010, 02:26 PM
Tito is suffering from post-Thanksgiving depression!


I'm topsy turvy Rod - too much food on the left side - I can't think straight like that!

I would vote for you anyday.....Rangel got re-elected so you still have a chance......Problem is I don't live in the Bronx.


11-26-2010, 06:13 PM
I'm topsy turvy Rod - too much food on the left side - I can't think straight like that!


Too much tryptophan... Drink plenty of a liquids.


11-26-2010, 08:10 PM
Evening bump just to keep on anoying Tito!!! :) I'll stop when I feel like it!


11-26-2010, 08:29 PM

Fire away bud!

11-26-2010, 08:39 PM
New signature Tito..seems unfinished..Peoples champion what??? Or maybe you're looking for us to fill in the blanks?:)

Keith Perkins
11-26-2010, 08:56 PM
So I've for the most part dropped out of sight for a month or so, come back over Thanksgiving and find this. Man how things have changed in such a short time.:rolleyes2:

11-26-2010, 08:58 PM
Huh?? Tito's still same ol Tito!

11-26-2010, 09:43 PM
I think Tito is becoming Hector like!!! If you don't know, you haven't been here long enough! :)


Keith Perkins
11-26-2010, 11:02 PM
Oh come on Jennie, you don't think it's funny one of the first threads I read upon my return is this one?

11-26-2010, 11:19 PM

I'm glad you all see the humor. Heaven forbid should I be labeled a Cyber Bully! Then 10 years from now I can't run for Senator! LOL

Id vote for you if you promised to send me free discus!

11-27-2010, 07:44 AM
Keith, Titos like the class clown of SD, with a little controversy thrown in for free! Good to see you back

11-27-2010, 09:09 AM
Too much Turkey

11-27-2010, 11:32 AM
I'm loved...I'm loved......yeaaaaaa! LOL

Now remember class - no computer toughies allowed here....if you bought a Discus for $1000 and you don't post a pic you will be expelled. And if you say you have 100 fry - show us the grow out tank pic - or you too will be expelled.

The People's Champion!

Turkey juice is just about wearing off...

Edit: My goodness how can I forget! What eva U doo - don't, don't say your Discus is 8" without showing a pic with tape measure on top of it and a coca cola bottle underneath it on a wet towel! You've been warned!

11-28-2010, 01:36 AM
Why a wet towel? Lol