View Full Version : Discus medications

12-04-2010, 08:59 PM
Can anyone list good meds for discus and what its used for and Bad meds with the consiquences?:):)

12-06-2010, 04:10 PM
I've used Maracyn 1 and 2 together in the past with good results. It helped me with fungus/cloudy eye/fin rot.

I've used Metro in the past, but all I remember about that is that it turned everything in the tank blue. No thanks! That tank is now the hospital tank.

12-06-2010, 09:27 PM
I've used Maracyn 1 and 2 together in the past with good results. It helped me with fungus/cloudy eye/fin rot.

I've used Metro in the past, but all I remember about that is that it turned everything in the tank blue. No thanks! That tank is now the hospital tank.

Metro turned your tank blue???? Maybe you are confused with Methylene Blue. Metro has no color and will not stain any tank.

The best meds for discus are not using any. Prevention is the key to successful discus keeping. There are several sticky's on treatments for general ailments but you really need to be specific when it comes to treatments.


David Rose
12-06-2010, 10:04 PM
You're wise to want to have a small medicine cabinet ready if needed, but.....

1) It pays to be proactive...read, read, and read some more on Simply and the Net before you have a problem(s).

2) While you're learning, if you have noticed a change in behavior or appearance that concerns you, post a thread with the completed Disease Questionnaire (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?38545-Disease-Questionnaire-please-complete) to help us help you.

3) Be as detailed as possible up front, be specific, and post pictures will greatly increase your chances of getting the best advice as quickly as possible.

4) And most importantly, don't rush to medicate before you're pretty sure what's going on and using the forum as a sounding board.

It will definitely protect your investment and hopefully spare a few tears! :)