View Full Version : Moved Discus Behavior

12-05-2010, 09:43 PM
Just moved a single discus. I got to the house I was picking it up at, i tested the water, i checked the temp, i brought a mini battery operated air pump...her ph was identical to mine and the temp was about a degree lower. I put the discus into a half filled 5g bucket, got into my little civic and cranked the heat. Then we hit the road. It was an hour long drive along back dirt roads, and crappy pavement. We finally made it home and he was still vertical, i thought this was a good sign. I set up a drip from my tank and slowly acclimated him. Upon me putting him into the tank, he swam directly for the heater, and down to the bottom of the tank and into an amazon sword that is in the vacinity. He has resided there for a full 24 hours now. Not sure if thats usual for them? Or if i should be worried? If i approach the tank and he sees me, he dives even deeper into the heart of the sword...I am kinda sad :( any ideas?

12-05-2010, 09:53 PM
is it the only discus you purchased? this is qt tank??

12-05-2010, 09:59 PM
I didnt purchase it. A woman actually came into the pet store i work in and asked if i would take it. But yes it is the only discus in my tank, and it was the only fish in hers...

12-05-2010, 10:05 PM
Ok, it is alone, and this is normal behavior for single discus. Discus do best in groups. Get 5 more and qt them separate for 4 weeks. You didn't mention size of tank either. Anyway, you really can't be sure what it's behavior was in her tanks either, but am guessing it was much the same.

12-05-2010, 10:16 PM
Yeah sorry, its a 55g tank. It is semi planted, has a few red rubins, amazons, various crypts, two medium pieces of driftwood. I planned on getting six of them from my fish distributor through my work, all about 3 inches. But this woman was adament about me taking it. Its a 5 year old, what she claimed to be a pigeon, but it has solid red body with all black fins, with blue streaks mixed in. Would 3 inch discus coexist with this adult?

12-05-2010, 10:17 PM
yes should be fine.

12-05-2010, 10:20 PM
But I should qt them for 4 week prior to introducing them into the 55g?

12-05-2010, 11:55 PM