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View Full Version : WB/WS T B with 14 bars?

12-06-2010, 07:44 AM
I have 3 white butterfly/white scorpion Throwbacks... And I just noticed only one of them has 14 very faint but definitely there stress bars... The other two appear to have 9. What, if anything does that mean?
And what's this whole PB based vs. Golden based business? Are my guys golden based?

Just trying to understand things! Thanks in advance for any info.

12-06-2010, 08:25 AM
Some ss genes carry 9 bar and some 14 bar

12-06-2010, 03:19 PM
9 bar = WB
14bar = WS

Your fish are pigeon based. Golden based referrs to a recessive gene that controls the way a fish looks. Pigeon gene is a dominent gene that controls the way a fish looks. They are 2 completely different mutations found in some types of discus.

12-06-2010, 05:09 PM
Oh I see!
Thanks guys :-)

Another question I have is regarding the offspring of a pair of wb/ws tb's...
Since they are pigeon based, does that mean their offspring have a chance of turning out heavily peppered ugly little things?? No offense to anyone who loves a good peppered pigeon blood lol... I personally don't like the look...
Or will most of their fry probably turn out to be clean like the parents? They both have light peppering in their tails. Looks pretty I think.

12-06-2010, 05:18 PM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1172.snc4/154491_1576450104292_1626790161_1342530_5027977_n. jpghttp://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs384.ash2/66270_1513869819824_1626790161_1230018_5258106_n.j pg

12-06-2010, 06:04 PM
Nice looking WB's the Scorpian is nice also, most of the real whiz's can tell you what sort of spawn you'd get with this pairing. I'd say no big peppering issues and the tail's would problably have some black in them, also a good 50-50 of each is my guess. Jim

12-06-2010, 07:17 PM
Both parents are clean PB fish, and they look like siblings or close relatives...then I guess the offsprings should be pretty clean...dirty PB offsprings are usually seen when crossing a PB with a non-PB fish, or crossing a pair of PB's from very different bloodlines...these are what I heard from a breeder friend.

Xiaofei :)

Chad Hughes
12-06-2010, 10:41 PM

Awesome shots of the parents!! They really look great! I couldn't have done a better job. Bravo!

How's the knee?

I hope all is well.

12-07-2010, 12:04 AM
I also think most of the fry should turn out pretty clean. One possibility is you could also end up with blue turquoise and blue snakeskins from the same spawn, depending on how the pigeon gene is carried. It is not uncommon to receive up to 25% of these in a spawning like yours.

12-07-2010, 12:45 AM
Oh wow, that is very interesting Rod! Funny you should mention that, from their first spawn, 1 wk old... I see one little fry that is darker than it's siblings ( of course at one wk, I know it's hard to tell... ) but I think it may end up being some kind of turq. The other babes are white. They have a new spawn attaching as I speak. I'll be interested to see what they throw. Thanks for the input Jim, xiaofei and rod!!!

Thanks to you too Chad! Your BH mix is what's grown these beauties out, they are awesome fish, I think they aren't finished growing either.
And my knee is soooooo jacked up!! Water changes just got a little harder lol! Next time I see ya I'll show you how ugly it is! Me vs. Toy on the ground.... Me= 0..... Toy=1


How are my fry doing brotha? Send me a pic as soon as you get back from your trip! I'll bet you they're huge huh!

Chad Hughes
12-07-2010, 10:11 AM
Glad to hear that you still have your knee Melissa! UGH!

My "staff" reports that the fry are doing great! It's been about a week so I am anxious to get back and see how things are going. Appetites are great! This batch is actually coming up on beefheart flake from Bill at Inland Empire Discus. I promised that I would track a grow out on his foods for him and this is the perfect opportunity. I'll be opening up a thread soon with frequent updates.

Now, make sure the kids pick up their toys! LOL!

Best wishes!

12-07-2010, 12:49 PM
[QUOTE=SoCalDiscusMama;705234]Oh wow, that is very interesting Rod! Funny you should mention that, from their first spawn, 1 wk old... I see one little fry that is darker than it's siblings ( of course at one wk, I know it's hard to tell... ) but I think it may end up being some kind of turq. The other babes are white. They have a new spawn attaching as I speak. I'll be interested to see what they throw. Thanks for the input Jim, xiaofei and ro

The lighter color fry are the Pigeon and the dark 8 bars most likely are turk and the 14 bars dark color fry have the snakeskin genes.


12-07-2010, 01:48 PM
That's super exciting Chad! I'm glad you've got them on the flake no problems, must be good stuff!! It will be fun to see how they turn out, I like your 'frequent updates' idea lol!

Thanks for the additional info Cliff! There's one fry that seems darker, but I can't really see any lines on him yet... Definitely in interesting looking little guy... At what age do bars really begin to show? Like a few wks old? I had no idea this pair could throw such a variety!!