View Full Version : Knowing what you are Buying or Selling

12-08-2010, 04:08 PM
Hello friends,

After reading a thread regarding the sale of discus in the "for sale" section of this forum, I thought maybe people here could post some comments as to help newbie buyers and especially sellers.


If the link is not appropriate, forgive me as it is not intended to criticize anyone, but to help educate others on how to pick, buy, and sell discus. It is sad that one new member got ripped off on not only the shape, color and size of his discus, but also on the strain and origin and health of his fish.

One can clearly see that this person had lack of knowledge of what he/she purchased, but also as to the health of their fish. I on many occasions have tried to convince friends of mine who are interested in starting a discus tank to come to this website and educate themselves as to the various ways to select your discus.

Anyone can sell you a discus and call them anything they want to if you are not knowledgeable of them. But shame on the LFS who is only out to rip someone off by selling sick, mis labeled fish.

Having this website is like having your own "Discus for Dummies" book. Everything you want to know about discus is right here in this website, all you have to do is search, ask, and help others. It is not brain surgery friends, it can be quite fun to know that people here can help you select your first discus or just adding more to your collection. From wilds to mixed strains, the search for the perfect discus for you can be found right here, just look!

With all the great SD sponsors here and members, no one should buy or sell a discus without knowing the facts of what you have first.

As I always say, ask the questions, get the answers, then decide what the right thing to do is.

Just my thoughts.

12-08-2010, 04:12 PM
Jeff.. alot of newbies (i included) think they know better.. but we have to learn the hard way :( but once we make our mistakes the information all MAKES MORE SENSE! :))

Second Hand Pat
12-08-2010, 05:00 PM
Yup, we learn best from our own mistakes.

12-08-2010, 05:06 PM
Yup, we learn best from our own mistakes.

+5! lol

12-08-2010, 05:40 PM
But shame on the LFS who is only out to rip someone off by selling sick, mis labeled fish.

In all do respect, some people at the LFS don't know any better either, and are ripped of by thier supplier. Furthermore, your making an assumption that the condition you see the fish in now are the condition in which they were purchased, which may or may not be the case. The OP of that thread made a distinction on several occasions to say the "wilds" can from his supplier and not the LFS. I am guessing his supplier is a shaky internet outfit.

12-08-2010, 08:43 PM
Yes you are right, one should not stereotype all LFS as I am sure as you mentioned internet sellers can also mislead people with false images of fish too. But the point I was trying to make was one should just be cautious when venturing into a sale whether at a LFS or online until they get more knowledge of what they are purchasing.

12-08-2010, 08:57 PM
My only coment is that anyone that joins this forum and posts only with the intent of dumping his crappy fish, adds nothing to the community, and still tries to come out as a victim should not be allowed to be here. He post padded in some threads just enough to be allowed to post and to PM, then he tried to dump his crap. There is enough bad people out there to damage our hobby, anyone tries to do it here, I will be the first to call them out.

Best resource to help newbs is already here, this forum, we should all be activily promoting it and bringing new people in and when someone tries to take advantage of the group, they should be called out.



12-08-2010, 09:20 PM
I thought you changed your name to Ringo? :)

12-08-2010, 09:23 PM
I thought you changed your name to Ringo? :)

Oh...I forgot!!! :) And since we referenced a Beatle...RIP Lennon


12-08-2010, 09:30 PM
You a Starr! anyway considering there were members taking these fish into consideration, Rodrigo was right to step in and "give his honest opinion" as to their condition. I would want someone to do that for me.

12-08-2010, 09:32 PM
You a Starr! anyway considering there were members taking these fish into consideration, Rodrigo was right to step in and "give his honest opinion" as to their condition. I would want someone to do that for me.

Thank you but please call me Ringo...! :)


12-08-2010, 09:34 PM
I kinda like Ringo..done!:)

William Palumbo
12-08-2010, 09:37 PM
I was the first "view" when that post was posted. I saw the fish were crap, and I should have pretty much said so...but I didn't. Tho I should have. I did not want to make a "scene", but I realize sometimes you have to, especially if you are truthful about what's being said. I'm glad you said something Rod. I guess it's better to be brutally honest. Maybe we need to feel it's OK, to post an honest opinion about what we see, than to just say nothing...Bill

12-08-2010, 09:39 PM

12-08-2010, 09:44 PM
Thanks Bill! We are a tight group here and I truly believe that we should look out for one another...I wasn't going to say anything untill I noticed someone showed interest....then I had to..BTW notice the dude never posted better pictures? Or anything else for that matter?


William Palumbo
12-08-2010, 09:47 PM
True Rod. My first impression was not to worry too much, as I figured no one would be interested in them...just the price alone was a turn off. But yea, I don't blame you. I would and do, want to be warned before spending my money on anything...Bill

12-08-2010, 10:07 PM
The thing I can't figure out is why someone in Malaysia would import "wild" (snicker) discus from South America only to then turn around and sell them to someone in the States?

12-08-2010, 10:14 PM
Not all suppliers can sell to US. Honestly I think people here know better then to buy low grade fish like the once that guy was selling.