View Full Version : wow eggs but now what?

12-10-2010, 06:45 AM
i was really surprised this morning my only mature pair in a mixed tank started putting some eggs on the cone i put in a tank separator and let them be by this afternoon there were so many!! now what?? I am afraid the parents will eat them do i put the green mesh guard on now? can i still wc the cone I could do about +30% wc without touching the cone....what next?

12-10-2010, 07:03 AM
Eggs can stand being exposed to air for A short period of time, so if I were you I would do whatever % WC that is necessary to keep the water in tip top shape. It is good to wait a while after the spawn so the males sperm is not washed away too...

You have two options:
1. sit back and see how they do on their own without any intervention (meaning a guard on the cone...) which might be e best choice because they will learn and do things right, in the long run you'll have better breeders.
Option 2. You could put the guard on the cone as a precaution so they can't eat the eggs if they get the urge AND to see if any of the eggs hatch so you know if you have a true male/female pair....

Either way, a lot of people will tell you first spawns arent usually successful, but I've had 2 pairs successfully raise first spawns this past month and it is a thrill! Good luck to you! I hope it works out. But just know if it doesn't work out this time, it will eventually. You're entering into a very rewarding, but at the same time very frustrating, part of this hobby!

12-10-2010, 07:39 PM
i would the pair in a separate tank. the eggs are in the community tank are probally lost.. but dont give up. good luck

12-10-2010, 10:18 PM
With a divider in the tank, they will do fine ! :-) I've raised several spawns this way so far with great success.
Moving the 'pair' to their own tank is still a good idea if you have the space, but if it were me, I would wait to see what happens with this batch of eggs first to see if they really are a pair in the first place.

Be patient and try not to disturb them too much out of the ordinary. And let us know what happens ;-)

12-11-2010, 02:46 AM
id do 1 of these 2 things.
1. Leave them be with a cone guard to try and see if its a confirmed pair.If not, just take the divider out and go along with the daily duties. If so move them to a new breeder tank and cone still w/guard so that the stress of the move doesnt make them eat the eggs. Mine were fine with the move and tended to the eggs again immediatly.
2. Do the 2nd part of what i suggested above now and hopefully they wont eat the wrigglers!

12-11-2010, 08:05 AM
Thanks so much for the fast and informative response...well at this point she had finished putting eggs on the cone and it seemed they both seemed to take turns fanning and blowing on the eggs. The eggs also seemed to grow a bit in size and color deepened. The female though started to pick a bit at a few of the eggs so i did cover the cone with mesh and they have resumed fanning them...so still waiting and so far the water quality is maintaining well but i did remove all of the loaches as i think they can find a way through the divider (never trust a loach) lol now just waiting to see will keep you up dated thanks

12-11-2010, 08:24 AM
Generally the parents will peck around the eggs to keep anything off of them or to keep the area clean of fungus. Pairs should always have a chance to practice before any changes are made. Since you already added the guard, its fine but I would have left it off for several spawns before I gave in. Its kind of like training wheels on a bike, sure they are great but you eventually have to let go and allow them to ride on their own. ;)

12-12-2010, 09:16 AM
well the eggs did not get fertilized....oh well as i said it was surprising. I did take the pair out though gave them their own tank with a cone. I dimmed the lights, put on some Lou Rawls and some oysters and caviar, we will another romantic evening and see if the guy is up to his task!! thanks though for the tips all and Eddie i will not put the mesh on this time it did seem they were attentive, i just really want to succeed lol

12-12-2010, 09:22 AM
sorry i changed my mind not taking any chances it has to be Barry White....Lou is sexy but...."Barry" what can a girl say!