View Full Version : I'm going on vacation

12-17-2010, 07:49 AM
Hey everyone. I need advice from the pros of Simply Discus :)
I am leaving on vacation (back to America for Christmas) I will be gone two weeks.
I don't have many people here in the Netherlands that I know and trust. I had someone that I thought could come over and take care of my discus when I was gone, but that fell through. So now I am stuck trying to figure out what to do for them for the next two weeks. Also one of the pairs just laid eggs yesterday (200-300 or so). Does anyone have any good ideas, suggestions for me? I don't have any automated water change systems or anything like that it's just the old fashioned siphon off the bottom method. I was thinking of auto feeders set to very low amounts, some activated carbon and cross my fingers and hope that the fry will make it through 2 wks with just eating off of the parents. I leave Sunday Morning.

12-17-2010, 08:19 AM
All I would do is feed them well today and stop feeding tomorrow. As late as poss tomorrow do a large water change. No auto feeder, no nothing. If the tanks are not systemised I'd put the pair in a community tank too and to heck with the eggs. No feeding whilst away, the water quality will be better for it. The fish will be hungry when you return. I normally prep fish a good two weeks before going away btw, as in I feed them extra etc...

12-17-2010, 08:21 AM
I would say don't worry about fry, fish can lay more eggs.. Do good water change night before do not feed after wc or during duration of trip.. too bad no one can ck to make sure air,heaters are operating properly

12-17-2010, 08:38 AM
Thank you both those are really good suggestions. I don't have the community tank set up right now but they have massive bio filtration in their tanks. I bought these used tanks from a LFS who made some special filtration systems built in to the tanks and I've loaded them with siporax bio media. and their powered by air. Here's my great idea for monitoring them while I'm away. I have my laptop sit by the tanks with my webcam connected. I have skype and set it to auto answer with cam. I can call myself whenever and see them. Not sure what I will be able to do though if I do happen to see them gasping or doing back strokes. just make for a miserable vacation. blah

12-17-2010, 08:42 AM
I was thinking that before I finished reading your post, watching may be really bad idea!! I think you are worrying too much!

12-17-2010, 09:05 AM
Hooking up a webcam is the worst thing you could do. Best to go to the states, enjoy your holiday and deal with whatever on your return. Imagine you spot a prob, what can you do? Nothing other than fret. Enjoy your trip :)

12-17-2010, 09:17 AM
Scrap the spawn and remove the cone or whatever it is they spawn on. Ensure your water has a good amount of KH to hold PH steady while you are away and have a nice vacation. 2 weeks is nothing for sub-adult/adults. Younger fish I'd be concerned about but only because you would want to have them fed to keep them growing out and this in turn would require water changes. Just bump up your KH if its low and C'est la vie.

Something else that I do personally is add some trace elements before leaving. Something like Discus Trace along with a Calcium Chloride supplement.

Generally when I get home, the fish look like they haven't skipped a beat. I've actually been away from my tanks for 2 weeks now and have 10 more days to go. Fish are all doing fantastic. ;)

12-17-2010, 09:28 AM
I was thinking that before I finished reading your post, watching may be really bad idea!! I think you are worrying too much!


12-17-2010, 09:59 AM
Thank you all.. consensus is..
1. not to worry about the fry, they'll do more later.
2. feed heavy prior to last change then no auto feeding when gone
3. heavy water change with good kh and ph values, and maybe some trace elements.

to spy on them when I'm gone or not.. I think I'm going to spy. I worry about things I don't know. if I see they are all okay; Perfect, If i see they are all dead.. well nothing I can do anymore so no need to worry.
But from what I hear they should be just fine.. Thanks Eddie, Vera, Paul and Jennie! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

12-17-2010, 10:14 AM
Don't spy on them. I actually prefer not to feed much before leaving, like weening them off of food. It's a personal preference really.

Merry Christmas my friend and honestly, I'd not spy on them. You won't enjoy your vacation if you are worrying about your fish too much. They'll be fine, let them have their vacation.

12-17-2010, 10:20 AM
Something else that I do personally is add some trace elements before leaving. Something like Discus Trace along with a Calcium Chloride supplement.

sound advice , Eddie had a good result with that

PS: There r so many other things to spy on , y discus LOL, have a nice vacation

01-07-2011, 02:16 PM
well I did everything suggested except for one thing I left the eggs in the tank with the parents. I had no expectations of any surviving, but when i got back after two weeks I had 60-65 fry swimming around in the tank eating off the parents. So I'm really happy everythign worked out good.. Thanks again!