View Full Version : really basic question

12-24-2010, 05:44 PM
when first putting the discus in their new tank (all 5 from same supplier and tank set up just for them and cycled) should i float them, drip them or just place them right in the tank?

12-24-2010, 06:05 PM
if the ph is somewhat higher than the bag ie. 6.5 bag, 7.2 tank I just put them in. if the ph is much higher I would lower the ph. so long as ph is somewhat higher than the bag they will be fine.
also get the temp close to the bag temp. I do not float them.
If you do not have ability to lower ph pour one cup of aquarium water every ten minutes for 1 hour then dump them in with no bag water.
I used to do the one cup every ten minutes but found I had a higher rate of ammonia/ph burn on the fins.
I have done many many discus, wild inc heckles and domestics the dump way and have never had a problem.

12-24-2010, 06:31 PM
I have always floated the bags then dropped and plopped. Never had a problem. I want to get the fish out of the bag and into good clean water ASAP. Most all of the big importers do it this way as well, although I know that Mark Everton at Devotedly in the UK adds tank water to the bags. Everyone has their own take on how to do this. Chose the way that you are most comfortable with. If you are happy with the results, stick with it.