View Full Version : How long in a bag???

12-24-2010, 06:58 PM
How long could a fish "safely" be in a large bag that's about a gallon size, that is sealed and has enough water for him just to move around if he wanted. For transport........

12-24-2010, 07:24 PM
i had 30 fry in a about 2 gallons for about 6 hrs.. they made it back to austin then i had to acclimate them.. that was another hr :))

12-24-2010, 07:40 PM
In a bag pendejo, not a bucket.......(don't take that to the heart).

12-24-2010, 07:55 PM
I've personally transported a dozen discus in 6 bags, from Seattle, Wa. to Vancouver, B.C., 4 hours total time door to door, then the acclimation process, with no ill effects whatsover.
Perhaps the importer/seller gurus can step in & give us their experience. I believe the importation of discus from south-east Asia to North America is done in bags placed in styrofoam boxing - on commercial flights lasting up to 24 hours in some cases, plus all the handling & waiting times in depots prior to departure, and the same on landing at destination, prior to customs clearance & pick-up by purchasers.

Elite Aquaria
12-24-2010, 08:05 PM
Shipments coming from Wayne can be in a bag for over 30 hours. Remember these fish have fasted for at least 48 hours prior to shipment and they are packed with oxygen.

Darrell Ward
12-25-2010, 08:01 PM
Shipments coming from Wayne can be in a bag for over 30 hours. Remember these fish have fasted for at least 48 hours prior to shipment and they are packed with oxygen.

I'm no guru, but I think the is key, fasting, and oxygen. Crowding fish in one bag would not be good either I don't think. Oxygen will run out much quicker with multiple fish in one bag. Most of the fish I've had shipped to me were one fish per bag, then the bags were placed in a big bag.

Elite Aquaria
12-25-2010, 09:26 PM
I always ship one fish per bag as does Wayne.

12-26-2010, 06:03 AM
Kenny told me that he ships to...south america and im pretty sure he said they can be held up in customs/transit for 3-4 days. BUT kenny also does some of the most professional packing around, so take the time for what it is.

12-26-2010, 11:10 AM
If you are traveling with the fish everyone can do what I do and use a Styrofoam box. I have a 500 watt inverter along with a small air pump, sponge filter and heater. Friday I traveled from Arizona to California and back with a medium size box with a 50 watt heater and a small cycled sponge filter to pick up some Discus. They made the 5 hour trip back as if they were still in their tank. I left my house with my own aged water and had everything plugged in to keep the water stable, warm and the sponge filter working. I will take a photo this afternoon of the setup.