View Full Version : fry in fungus ?

12-25-2010, 08:48 AM
hi ,,,,,,,its been 120 since they laid eggs now the wrigglers are in fungus discus tried to shift them but they didnt stick n were falling so they gave up now the spawn site has develop fungus n the fry are still alive so what are the chances of them making to free swimmers any advice

12-25-2010, 11:34 AM
Mom and Dad should be cleaning them or move them. You can also use the meth blue or other meds on them to keep fugus from growing. I'm not a expert by any means but I'm just telling you what I did recently with mine and it helped. You might want to read more on the breeding stickies. Other people have commented that theres have made it to free swimming even in the fugus. I'm not sure because I put the medicine on them after 24 hrs and they didnt fugus over until they moved to my gutter guard. Then they got ate this morn. Others might have done it different there is my experience so far.
Merry Christmas,

12-25-2010, 12:18 PM
thanks wendy ,,
Merry Christmas to you and all Discus lovers around the world

12-25-2010, 12:19 PM
what i meant 120 was hours and the fungus occurred after 90 hours mom n dad didnt moved them from the site so we dont wanna exposed the fry to meds right

12-25-2010, 12:46 PM
That I dont know about but I will search a bit and see what I can find.

12-25-2010, 01:35 PM
once again thanks wendy really appreciate urs help

David Rose
12-25-2010, 02:38 PM
Be sure to do daily water changes to keep the water quality at it's best. Any left over food or waste should be removed as needed. Methylene Blue @ one drop/gallon can be used when eggs are laid to help prevent fungus, but if your water changes are frequent enough, you shouldn't need it.

Hope that helps!

12-25-2010, 03:36 PM
but wht to do abt this ,,, all wrigglers are covered in fungus should i remove it or let it be

12-25-2010, 03:38 PM
what are the chances of them making to free swimmers any advice

Nobody knows, leave wrigglers and pair alone.

12-26-2010, 09:53 AM
all the fry in that fungus ?????? should i remove it ... will that harm my discus pair please advise

David Rose
12-26-2010, 10:01 AM
No need to do anything. The parents will clean up the area in time.

12-26-2010, 10:35 AM
No need to do anything. The parents will clean up the area in time.
thanks David ,,
its now its now 144 hours since they laid eggs

12-26-2010, 01:26 PM
No need to do anything. The parents will clean up the area in time.

Ditto, there is nothing that you can do or add to the tank without risking their loss.

12-26-2010, 01:43 PM
thanks Eddie

12-26-2010, 02:35 PM
thanks David ,,
its now its now 144 hours since they laid eggs

144 hours or 6 days??? normally the fry are free swimming around 6 1/2 days to 7 days depending on your breeding


12-26-2010, 03:38 PM
yes 6 days but now they are in fungus for second day so dont know that will it make to free swimmers stage

12-26-2010, 04:22 PM
Well you heard it from the experts... Just leave them alone and do more wcs. So you will have better water quality.

Happy Holidays!.

12-26-2010, 05:45 PM
yes i heard Wendy ,,, Happy Holiday to u too

David Rose
12-30-2010, 10:02 AM
It is unlikely that any eggs that had fungus form over them will hatch. Sorry that I didn't address that more clearly earlier. As parents learn and develop good parenting skills, they should remove any eggs that are not viable fairly quickly up to a few days at most. If your parents are young and just spawning for the first time, it may take them a few spawns or so to keep the spawn site clean. It's your call that if most of the eggs or all eggs have fungus on them to abort this spawn and remove the eggs during a water change. Once removed, the parents will prepare the site for a new spawn within a few days to a week typically.

To be proactive, during your next water change, I would wipe down the inside glass with paper towels after draining water to above the parents dorsal fins. Squeeze and rinse out all filter sponges and if using HOBs or canisters, wipe out inside chambers of the filter and intake tube(s) with a bottle bristle brush as well. In short, you should not have any build-up on any of these items. (leave the bio media alone)

If the problems persists, I would consider doing a four hour PP (Potassium Permanganate) bath. It is common for breeders to clean up their pairs preparing them for breeding using this method. This will reduce possible parasites and will help disinfect the tank. This is one option to consider, but the PP bath must be performed very carefully given it will break down all organics; left over food, wastes, bacteria, including your fish if the dosage is too strong or administered for too long. It's potentially lethal to your fish if administered improperly. If you've never used PP before, be sure to read up on it on Simply Discus and the internet, and ask questions to prepare before actually doing a four hour PP bath.

What is your breeding tank set up; equipment, size, etc? If you would, please tell us about your water change and maintenance routine? It's a lot of work, but you get used to it and IMO well worth the experience in keeping these beloved fish. With this information, we can advise better.

Best of luck on your future efforts and Happy New Year!

12-30-2010, 05:07 PM
What happened to the wigglers? Did they make it?

01-01-2011, 12:55 PM
Happy New year to you all Discus lovers around the world ,,, hi Wendy the Wrigglers didnt make it

01-01-2011, 01:07 PM
hi David,,
my tank size is 24-18-12 , 1 sponge filter i do 10 % W C daily after the spawn finished i clean tank .clean inside glass etc . the problem is Eggs dont get Fungus its starts after 3rd day when wrigglers get hatched ..mom n dad dont clean the eggs tht didnt hatched .. and tht grows all over the wrigglers..in 2nd spawn they tried to shift the wrigglers after 3rd day but the wrigglers seems not to stick they were falling down at other site so they left it.. so what iam doing wrong mate

David Rose
01-06-2011, 10:32 AM
hi David,,
my tank size is 24-18-12 , 1 sponge filter i do 10 % W C daily after the spawn finished i clean tank .clean inside glass etc . the problem is Eggs dont get Fungus its starts after 3rd day when wrigglers get hatched ..mom n dad dont clean the eggs tht didnt hatched .. and tht grows all over the wrigglers..in 2nd spawn they tried to shift the wrigglers after 3rd day but the wrigglers seems not to stick they were falling down at other site so they left it.. so what iam doing wrong mate

I don't think you're doing anything wrong. Each pair you may breed over the years can be different in how fast they learn to raise their young. Some pairs can be great parents from the start, but it is common for new parents to take a couple of months or more of weekly spawns to get it right. In time, they should do better at keeping the spawning site clean. In the meantime, you can add an anti-fungal medicine as mentioned earlier in this thread. I would proactively add the anti-fungal the day after the eggs have been laid on the next spawn. Replace as needed during water changes and discontinue use once the fry are free-swimming. Typical dose is 1 drop/gallon due to use with fry.

01-06-2011, 03:38 PM
[QUOTE=ss16534;710804]hi ,,,,,,,its been 120 since they laid eggs now the wrigglers are in fungus discus tried to shift them but they didnt stick n were falling

You spawns were weak, they are not sticking because the fry have not develope their adhesive glands. Clean out the pair and maybe the next spawn will be
better. Last result would be look for a different mate for the female or even the male. The fungus is only the secondary problem.


01-10-2011, 01:53 PM
hi cliff . can u advice me how to clean out the pair i was told to give them PP bath but iam new to breeding so plz advice ......thanks mate

01-12-2011, 05:38 PM
I received medication from a pathologist as I was concern that these Discus (not originally from my own breeding stock)that they might have some kind of
disease that would spread to the rest of fish. After medication the male was not fertile till another 3 spawns then one good spawn, so we are talking about
one good spawn after probably 15, since this pair was sold to another two owners before they gave up. The easy way to get around this problem I have found saw
to switch the female or male.