View Full Version : what else can i keep?

12-28-2010, 10:16 PM
Sadly today my female turq went to fish heaven. Its been a long haul with this fish but now she does not have to suffer anymore.

Anyhow, now my cobalt blue male whom is about 4 years old now is by himself. I had him by himself when I first got him for the first 2 years of his life.

In the tank of 46 gal I have a few neons, rummynoses, catfish, bristlenose plecos.

I would like to add another feature fish with him but don't know if a young Angelfish would be the right choice.

I would like to ask what other fish could I put with him that would blend well and get along well with him??

Another Discus is out of the question, we don't have them here and to bring in a school of them I am not wanting to do that, I plan on just keeping him.

12-28-2010, 10:33 PM
Sorry to hear Palue.. you could mix angel with discus but not a breeder pair

12-28-2010, 11:14 PM
I was just thinking of one young angelfish. Do you think it would bother the discus?? He is huge the size of a small dinner plate.

I just thought they would look nice together, would you add this fish soon since he is by himself after I QT it??

I am thinking it might work better to do this sooner than later??

12-29-2010, 07:34 AM
not likely to bother at all, but monitoring behavior with any addition is important!

12-29-2010, 07:45 AM
Thank You

12-29-2010, 09:35 AM
Do you know why your other fish died? I recommend you quarantine the new arrival for several weeks at least.

12-30-2010, 11:42 AM
Hello, yes I will QT anything new I get. To answer your questions about this fish I guess it will be a mystery as I did everything possible for her and I guess sometimes we just will never know the reason. The male is fine, huge healthy eats well etc. He seems to be adjusting very well at this point I was worried he would just go into a corner and not eat or anything but it looks as if he is doing well. So I am glad for this, he was my very first discus and my only discus for 2 years before I got the other ones.