View Full Version : Good or bad???

12-30-2010, 07:51 PM
Hello all!!!! Happy new years!! So my question is, covering the side of my tank is it good or bad? I have a 55 gallon my discus seems to freak out when i get to close sometime or should i say most of the time. Any ideas?

12-30-2010, 08:17 PM
maybe use construction paper instead of paint... are these Kennys fish?? are they afraid from a side approch or straight on in front??

12-30-2010, 08:19 PM
Yes It is a great idea. How many discus do you have? Small groups of fish are generally more skittish then large groups. But in general covering the two sides and the back of the tank can help discus feel more secure.

12-31-2010, 02:01 AM
@ discuslover
Yes 4 of them are from Kenny and the other 4 is from someone else. Most of the time its from the front as for the side only if i come close with my ugly face is guess.

@ danny
I have 8 total. So i was thinking going with sage green if i do am i suppose to use the same color for the sides too right?

12-31-2010, 02:14 AM
I know that many will disagree with this but covering the sides IN MY CASE was not better. I have my tank smack dab in the living room. By covering the sides, the fish were more likely to get spooked because I would appear out of nowhere and then disappear if I was moving around the area. I would then appear out of nowhere again in an instant. I found that with my sides open, my fish knew where I was at all times and did not get surprised. This was when I only had juvies in the tank.

01-01-2011, 12:43 AM
I know that many will disagree with this but covering the sides IN MY CASE was not better. I have my tank smack dab in the living room. By covering the sides, the fish were more likely to get spooked because I would appear out of nowhere and then disappear if I was moving around the area. I would then appear out of nowhere again in an instant. I found that with my sides open, my fish knew where I was at all times and did not get surprised. This was when I only had juvies in the tank.

+1 same here

01-01-2011, 06:11 AM
noob, I'm surprised if Kenny's acting that way...could be the other 4 spooking whole tank

01-01-2011, 10:26 AM
noob, I'm surprised if Kenny's acting that way...could be the other 4 spooking whole tank

Lesson to myself - don't read the most recent post first! :shocked2:

01-01-2011, 10:28 AM
I'm sorry???

01-01-2011, 10:34 AM
I'm sorry???
really ? LOL
i agree the other 4 might make whole group act scared , Noob , how long do u have yr fish and where yr tank stand

01-01-2011, 10:36 AM
Thats what I was thinking as well...not sure what Martha means??

01-01-2011, 10:40 AM
Sorry! LOL I read post #7 before reading the earlier posts and it sounded like Kenny and four friends were spooking the fish! Never mind.....I'm being silly.

01-01-2011, 10:41 AM
ROTF! I was seriously confused!!!

01-01-2011, 10:42 AM
It can't be bad, except during the process. It may not necessarily solve the issue though, since refelctions may or not be what's spooking them.

01-01-2011, 04:21 PM
@Vera and Discuslover

I think i solved the problem....so i paint the side of the tank and it seem to help a little. Uhhh as for how long i've had the fishes, Kenny's was from Nov shipment and Dec shipment (2 from each). I also have a question about the color choice that i paint the tank with, i painted the tank a sweet pea color (light purple) so my question is does light color mess with the discus color? In other words would it make my discus go light? Because sometime my virgin red and PB would look lighter and other times the color is just amazing as when it was at Kenny's house. Thank You helping out this noob cake. :)

01-01-2011, 04:28 PM
Dark colors affect the fish colors..my fish go dark if they are in dark spot of tank and under lighted areas they lighten up..part of the way they camouflage themselves.

01-01-2011, 05:39 PM
I had the same issue. There was no way to open the fish room door and not spook the one skittish fish of my group. I now block that side with a white towel. I open the door slowly and walk to the back of the room first, and then approach the tank. Many fewer issues since doing it this way.

01-01-2011, 05:47 PM
Glad it worked for u Noob , the red should come out even more in light purple , just give it a bit of time ans colored food , dont know abt PB , if it has any peppering light background and light side color will deminish it , any pictures

01-01-2011, 11:58 PM

Sorry if it's poor quality. Is that background okay? There a reflection of my closets. Do you want a picture with light on?