View Full Version : Quick Question about fry laying down for a rest.????

01-04-2011, 05:05 PM
I have a batch of about 30 Yellow diamonds that are doing very well and growing nicely. since they were able to eat BBS some lay down on their sides for a couple of seconds, sometimes up to 20 sec or more then get up and continue. 2 of them swim sideways on the bottom to eat. They are growing fine. There are only a few that do this all the rest do not. They went free swimming Dec 12th, 2010.

Could it be flukes? I was thinking about Prazi or a Quickcure treatment but didn't know if the fry were to young.

Thanks for any advice.

When would you remove the Mom. They are in a 33 gal.

Here is a photo from a week ago..



01-04-2011, 06:01 PM
I have been hearing about this behavior more and more lately, and have had some of mine do the same. There is nothing obvious wrong with them, and they're up and eating shortly after "laying down", but I can't find a cause for it. They just stop doing it once they put a little size on with no apparent harm done.
Is this behavior more widespread than it used to be or am I just noticing it now because mine did it a couple of times?