View Full Version : Discus not eating propley yet

01-07-2011, 07:13 AM
i recently added 8 discus to my new 110g planted tank about a week ago and there only really eating frozen dried black worms for the first time yesterday. Some of the fish are picking at my beef heart but that's it and there only getting excited for the black worms and nothing else. I have tried beef heart, flakes, pellets and color bits what else should I try and do to get them to eat. I'm changing 50% of the water daily to get them to eat as there been fusy buggers at the moment.

Cheers Axl

01-07-2011, 08:40 AM
Just give them time. I have had new adults go almost a month before they started feeding. Juvies usually start eating faster. The best thing you can do is continue to offer the same foods and provide them with clean water.

01-07-2011, 09:40 AM
i recently added 8 discus to my new 110g planted tank about a week ago and there only really eating frozen dried black worms for the first time yesterday. Some of the fish are picking at my beef heart but that's it and there only getting excited for the black worms and nothing else. I have tried beef heart, flakes, pellets and color bits what else should I try and do to get them to eat. I'm changing 50% of the water daily to get them to eat as there been fusy buggers at the moment.

Cheers Axl

What were they eating before you got them? Start there and slowly mix the new food with what they were eating before. They'll come around.

01-07-2011, 04:29 PM
they were eating beef heart previously so i will keep offering them beef heart, dried worms, flakes and pellets hopefully they will all eat soon thanks for the reply backs