View Full Version : One lonely fry.....

01-12-2011, 07:46 AM
Long story short, I had a spawn of about 50-60 white butterfly/ white scorpion Throwbacks... After the majority of them were eaten by surrogate parents... Then there were 10.... Because it was too early to be removed from the parents ( Im pretty sure this was the cause...) 9 died over the course of about a week.
And then there was 1.... And surprisingly he's survived ove a week by himself and is showing some growth!

I'll post a picture of the little guy soon... But I wanted to ask, has anyone ever raised just ONE fry by itself?! Poor thing has to be lonely right?

Altum Nut
01-12-2011, 09:05 AM
Well, I ended up with 8 fry 3 months back. 5 are Ok, 2 are stunted-runts, and 1 is stunted-runtand deformed.
I tried the accidental siphon trick during a w/c, but my kids and wife said they will never speak to me again if I did so. They have named the 3 so I forced to go with the flow. Keeps everyone happy.


joshua 74
01-12-2011, 11:02 AM
lol altum nut gt the same kinda thing i bout 30 feeder fish for $10 and pout them in a 30L tank to feed to my flowerhornes lol mum fell in love with them now we have pet crappy fish. there same size as neons but they are cream colour lol. ugly *** fish!!!

01-12-2011, 05:10 PM
About a year ago, I bought 12 frys all died except ONE. He/she is now 4.5 inches short Here is what it looks like



01-12-2011, 06:13 PM
In desperation I tried raising a batch of golden albinos with infusoria. Nothing else had worked. Only one survived, and it barely grew, even though I supplemented the diet from day one. When it was a few months old I put it in with another spawn of blue sapphires that was roughly the same size. I really don't think he appreciated the company. I still have the little one. He's about eight or nine months old and roughly two inches. :)

01-12-2011, 06:29 PM
Wow thats sad... I feel bad for the lil' fella...

01-12-2011, 06:43 PM
Wow thats sad... I feel bad for the lil' fella...

Well, he's happy and healthy! Just tiny!

01-13-2011, 06:23 AM
Long story short, I had a spawn of about 50-60 white butterfly/ white scorpion Throwbacks... After the majority of them were eaten by surrogate parents... Then there were 10.... Because it was too early to be removed from the parents ( Im pretty sure this was the cause...) 9 died over the course of about a week.
And then there was 1.... And surprisingly he's survived ove a week by himself and is showing some growth!

I'll post a picture of the little guy soon... But I wanted to ask, has anyone ever raised just ONE fry by itself?! Poor thing has to be lonely right?

lol , u funny , give him to Chad :D

01-15-2011, 07:07 PM
Is it still kickin.... or should I say swimmin....