View Full Version : What is a F1 and F2?

01-15-2011, 10:02 PM
I dont know what it is and how can you tell the difference from the others?:)

Sorry for the stupid question. It shows that I'm still on the newer side.

Second Hand Pat
01-15-2011, 10:08 PM
Hey Wendy, my understanding is F1 is the fry from wild parents. F2 is the fry of F1.

William Palumbo
01-15-2011, 10:35 PM
Pat's correct. It's something the breeder has to keep track of. One can't tell a F1 from a F2 just by looking at them...Bill

01-16-2011, 11:10 AM
Re: F1's

The F stands for filial...meaning....

Adj.1.filial - designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation genetic science, genetics - the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms
parental - designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced
2.filial - relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring; "filial respect" parental, paternal, maternal - relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent; "parental guidance"


01-16-2011, 11:41 AM
Is it just for fry from a wild pair as Pat suggested?

01-16-2011, 12:02 PM
I know what I am going to say here will go against the grain as far as thoughts on whether the "f" term refers only to wild fish offspring. :) Generally thats what said on fish forums....but its not really accurate. It applies to the offspring of any cross strains as wells. Why do I say that? Because its a term used in genetic labs around the world... I came across it first years ago working in biotech...Mouse genetics... example here...

If you go thru the tutorial it gives you a good example of the filial system applied in genetics.
