View Full Version : chlorine, nitrite question

01-17-2011, 01:15 PM
Hello, when i camer back to the town, where i have my wilds tank i noticed, that my dicus were breathing hard and were hurdling in the corner. I immediatelly measured the nitrite content and it was pink on jbl test (that coresponds to 0,4 -0,6 mg/l). I washed my filter media (in tank water so no biggie) and will change 30% of tank water. I will also put tablesppon of salt (natural, non ioded) in the tank as precaution. Should i change some water also the next day or just let it rest and change it then when the concentration will fall down? I sholdnt feed them ? they are juvies, so some food would be beneficial?
Wp: ph7, kh 5, gh 6.

Second Hand Pat
01-17-2011, 01:27 PM
Can you do a larger WC, more like 50/60% and then measure your nitrites. I would try to get that nitrite real low, say lower than .25. You might need to do daily WCs until your bio become stable. You also might consider investigating why you have measureable nitrites.

01-19-2011, 08:23 PM
After two days and two 30% wc nitrites fell to 0. Mixture of dirty filter and me accidentelly setting the autofeeder to feed to much at once probaby with failed light set back my water issues.