View Full Version : cloudy water ?

01-20-2011, 06:42 PM
hi ,
i did 100% W C and cleaned my tank.. 6 hours later the water turned cloudy i didnt feed them can anyone tell me what caused it and how to avoid them in future thanks


01-20-2011, 07:21 PM
how new is the tank?

01-21-2011, 05:01 AM
tank is 14 month old,,, i havent feed them and i feed them tetra bits , so i cant figure out why it happened any advice .. thanks


01-24-2011, 11:15 AM
Although the tank is 14 months old, it sounds to me like your tank is undergoing "white bloom" where it is going through the new tank cycle again. Did you clean the filter too? You probably lost the mature bacteria. You will just have to have patience as it will eventually settle or buy some 'new tank' mixtures like Seachem's Stability to speed it up.

01-24-2011, 12:02 PM
Do you have a substrate or bare bottom? If you have a substrate..even with a 100% w/c the debris in the substrate stirred up can cloud your water. Should clear up in a day or two. If you don't see improvement you can try a clarifer...otherwiswe your probably going through a mini bacteria bloom.


01-24-2011, 12:14 PM
Although the tank is 14 months old, it sounds to me like your tank is undergoing "white bloom" where it is going through the new tank cycle again. Did you clean the filter too? You probably lost the mature bacteria. You will just have to have patience as it will eventually settle or buy some 'new tank' mixtures like Seachem's Stability to speed it up.
can u explain whats mature bacteria ...... i usually clean filter too when i clean the tank

01-25-2011, 03:16 PM
When you clean the filter, you should only clean the sponges. Do not clean the 'ceramic pebbles' (effimech in Eheim filters) as that is where your mature bacteria lives.

In a new tank, the introduction of fish (whose waste creates ammonia) or the addition of liquid ammonia starts the cycle process. Nitrosomonas bacteria eat the ammonia and produces nitrItes in the process. Nitrobacter bacteria then develop to eat the nitrItes and produce nitrAtes in the process. The only good way to get rid of nitrAtes is with water changes (plants and some chemicals help but water changes are best).

Your 100% water change and filter cleaning probably killed the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria causing the white bloom. When the bacteria repopulate, the bloom will go away.