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01-24-2011, 12:25 AM
finally got around to prepping the 2 frozen bison beef hearts I had and ended up with quite a bit of food. I have decided to go with Carol Roberts approach and it is "just" the heart and nothing else in it. I do also feed Eddy's Seafood recipe and it has all the goodies in it, vitamins etc etc. Anyway, I have fed the fish 2 times today with it and they just love it, and I don't see any scraps in the bottom of the tanks.
I reviewed Carol's post and it kind of made sense to go just straight heart. I put my bison heart thru the meat grinder and it definitely gets eaten this way also. Even my
Japura X's from Dale Jordan which are smaller fry eat it up just fine.
I found that the bison heart is a bit leaner???? but it's been a while since I did a batch of regular beef heart, but it seems I ended up with a pretty good supply and would have even been more had I added veggies, shrimp etc.....
anyway just thought I'd post a few pix of the process and final result.
Total price for the 2 hearts was $13.75.

01-24-2011, 12:31 AM
Just ground up heart? Nothing else? I need to do this. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, Woody

01-24-2011, 12:36 AM
Carol Roberts has a good sticky under the "food and nutrition" section, so I thought I would try it out and see if the fish like it. Basically cut off all the fat from the heart and ran it thru the meat grinder. My grinder really grinds it in small pieces which is easy for all fish to eat. After grinded, I just bagged it into zip lock bags and put back in the freezer. I can know shave it for the smaller fry and put bigger pieces in for the bigger fish...

01-26-2011, 02:45 AM
so I have been feeding my discus once a day with this new formula of "just" the beefheart the last 3 days, and they are loving it. I also notice there is no visible pieces of excess meet lying at the bottom of the tank which makes me feel they are eating it all up with no waste....just poop at the bottom...lol
I also give them seafood mix twice a day.

01-26-2011, 04:31 AM
where did u buy the beef heart

01-26-2011, 10:31 AM
I got the two bison hearts from a local meat shop.

01-28-2011, 09:49 PM
I'm going to give bison heart a try as well. Glad to hear it worked for you! I've also found a local source for hormone and antibiotic free beef so I think I'll try a side by side comparison, see which they like best. And maybe I'll give moose heart a try (anyone try this one yet?).

01-29-2011, 10:43 AM
I know a felllow in my town that uses moose heart and he said they love it also. The bison heart I used is free range natural fed bison and was quite lean once you cut off all the crap.....fish still lovin it....lol
Also, let us know if free beef heart is leaner then the bison.

02-03-2011, 11:03 PM
I use Carol's salad shooter method for beefheart, works great. I splash liquid vitamins on the finished product, let it partially defrost/ marinade in the refrigerator for awhile before refreezing.

I'm sure that elk, bison, pronghorn, moose or venison hearts would work just as well.