View Full Version : Are my fry growing good?

01-25-2011, 07:44 AM
I have about 45 Christmas babies (5 wks old) that I think are growing good, but I would just like to know for sure. Most are about 1 inch in size with a few that are tiny and should probably be culled. Also can anyone tell me when they start showing some colors? They are Blue Turq. Below is a picture of them and a picture of their parents who have decided to raise some more fry. Dad's fin is nipped from Mom when they fought over the last batch. Mom's eyes are dark because they apparently darken when she darkens her body (weird) Tanks are a bit dirty because it's feeding time (always feeding time for babies)



01-25-2011, 07:49 AM
Nice pair!

What are you feeding the fry, they seem a bit scattered in size which is generally from incorrect feeding. Also, I do notice some short gills on a few and some slight deformations. Are you raising these fish in RO water? What TDS or GH is your grow out water?

01-25-2011, 07:57 AM
Hi Eddie,
Thank you!

I'm primarily feeding them a beef heart/ seafood mix that I ground extra fine for them. at night I have some tetra color bits I pulverized that is fed through a auto feeder 2x's.
I use aged 75% tap water 25% RO for water changes. I have a TDS meter that registers at 172 I have no idea if that is good or bad??

01-25-2011, 08:05 AM
Hi Eddie,
Thank you!

I'm primarily feeding them a beef heart/ seafood mix that I ground extra fine for them. at night I have some tetra color bits I pulverized that is fed through a auto feeder 2x's.
I use aged 75% tap water 25% RO for water changes. I have a TDS meter that registers at 172 I have no idea if that is good or bad??

Well, is there any added calcium in the mix? Some people claim/have raised fry in pure RO without any issues but I myself, prefer to increase the TDS to a higher amount by adding minerals to boost GH and KH. I had some issues with shortened gills, thick gill plates, and various other deformities when I was using my tap which has a TDS of 80, very soft. Since adding the extra elements to the the water, there are very few if any deformities. Now call that coincidental but I call that a very odd coincidence. You will find that others use minerals to boost TDS for the very same reason, it does help the fish to develop properly. Fish absorb just as much from water as they do food. Some rely on just food and others use a combination of foods and minerals in the water. ;)

01-25-2011, 08:16 AM
No I have to Calcium added to the mix. Hmm I suppose I need to track some down. Not as easy tracking things down living in Europe as opposed to the U.S.

01-25-2011, 08:22 AM
No I have to Calcium added to the mix. Hmm I suppose I need to track some down. Not as easy tracking things down living in Europe as opposed to the U.S.

I'd switch to pure tap and find Calcium Citrate for the mix. Its a very common vitamin for human use.

Additionally, you may need to add some supplements to the water to increase your GH. Just my advice on the matter.