View Full Version : Min tank size for breeding and foam tank devider

01-27-2011, 06:47 AM
Hi, I have a 20"x27"x17" tank with 17" being a height, and I was wondering is this tank (along with its 5 gal external filter) enough for 2 breeding pairs. If I put a Foam divider I would have two 20"x13"17" parts. The second pair is smaller, 5" max.

Also, have any of you had a problem with fry getting dragged to blue color of the foam divider or did free swimmers get trapped in divider holes? I am talking about the same one as SwissTropicals Poret foam.

William Palumbo
01-27-2011, 11:40 AM
I can't comment on the tank size for 2 breeders...But I had two pairs in a 40gallon long, with a dark blue poret divider, and my Cobalt pair has freeswimmers now for 2 days, and no problem with the foam. The parents actually had the fry herded up against it for awhile. None got stuck, and everyone attached fine. I never had problems with poret in the past as well...Great stuff, of which I need a LOT more of!...Bill

01-27-2011, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the reply. Here I can buy a piece of foam 20"x20" and 2" thick for $15, what's the price there?