View Full Version : HI Everyone Question about Discus spacing in a 55 Gallon tank

01-31-2011, 11:54 PM
i am new to discus and i did a bit internet research about how many discus should be in a 55 gallon tank.
but through the time turns out i got 25 discus in my 55 gallon tanks :bomb:
most of them are 3-5 months old and all eating health with tetra color bits, NLS food, HM beefheart and mysis shrimp...
i do 50% water change everyday too.
but i wonder will 55 gallon tank effort their growing size or anything side efforts???
plus will they still grow bigger if they are overcrowned??
i will try to post some pictures hope it can helps

02-01-2011, 12:24 AM
Welcome to simply,

02-01-2011, 02:32 PM
25 in 55G is way overstock. I have seen people have 7-8 in 55G tank with 75-90% water change daily. You'll need bigger tank for those 25 discus + those roseline sharks. With that many in 55 g tank, i am not sure how many will grow but you'll have a lot of stunted ones.

02-01-2011, 04:17 PM
i know is overstock. but for now i dont have time to upgrade my tank size
and these discus are still growing
been have them for 3 months when they were mostly 2 months old
i got most of them from local breeder and i think most of them like to stay in a very big group
(P.S they are also able to hand feed by me :)

02-01-2011, 07:01 PM
You are right about 'liking to stay in a big group', but...at some point, which is an elusive spot to identify, they'll start stunting, and stop heading to their maximum..Handfeeding is spiffy, but not a sign of well being. I would be a bit concerned about 'don't have time'..this is a tough phrase is fish-husbandry. Keep changing water until an answer presents itself..

02-01-2011, 09:23 PM
may be you could up grade the stand so could fit two tank:), here I attach picture

02-01-2011, 11:46 PM
thanks for the advise TURQ64
i only have them for over 3 months from sizes of a little bigger than 25 cents to now...
i guess i need to find it myself stick with overstock in 55 gallon until i have chance to upgrade my tank
currently i have 55 gal at the top and bottem has another 35 gallon as a treatment tank for them
Reply to HEDUT Yes i would love to upgrade to something like your picture :( but i still looking for it as second hand one
Brand new 100 gallon with metal stand cost too much
if anyone who selling thier 90-100 gallon with metal stand plz let me know and the best is close to toronto area please

03-29-2012, 05:36 PM
Look on craigslist or kijiji. I got my 120 gallon for 150$. Also that's alot of discus in a 55 gallon. I only put 10 in my 120 gallon and thats the max I'll go.

04-01-2012, 12:52 PM
It seems to me that if money is the issue in upgrading tank size, you could have bought the bigger tank and 10 discus for about the same price as the 25 discus!!!!

04-01-2012, 12:57 PM
I believe the rule of thumb is 1 per 10 or 12 gallons... but I have 4 in a 72... makes wc's alot easier....