View Full Version : Help identify problem please.

Smoke to Fire
02-02-2011, 10:36 AM
I returned yesterday after being gone on a business trip for almost a month to find my wife doing water changes and my oldest discus almost upside down. Apparently she came home to notice that all four discus, who usually beat tail upon site of anybody, stayed put and didnt move. Odd for my fish. So long story short. She tested the water to find Ammonia 1ppm Nitrites 0, Nitrates 20-40 ppm (tester doesnt get close enough to tell which). Water temps are still 82 degrees and the tank has been in place for almost four years now. The water coming from our tap shows Ammonia 0-.25 ppm ( more towards 0 but its gov water) Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5 ppm. Usual for my tank is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 20 nitrates.
So.. Did a 65 % water change last night and reduced ammonia down to almost nil. Did another 50% water change this morning and ammonia is showing between 0 and .25 ppm. Going to do another one tonight, if it doesnt stabilize.
Now for the fish. Every other fish in the tank doesnt "appear" to have any issues. No redness of the gills, no increased breathing, swimming just fine, and no color changes. However for my oldest Colbat High Fin that isnt the case. Half the time he is mouth down up against the filter (tried turning down the power on it in order to allow him a less stressful environment) or he is sitting at the bottom of the tank almost on his side. His breathing looks labored and the soft tissue at the edges of his gills is "wavy". Not his norm. His color has completely gone to sh#*. He used to be almost a turquoise blue with black bars, now he's almost black on part of his body, with huge white areas showing up. Edges of his fins are also appearing to shrivel.. for lack of a better word.
So I am going to include a few pictures that I took of him up against the filter. Hopefully somebody can assist with determnining the issue and the proper course of action. For now I am assuming that an exposure to high ammonia is the culprit. Sorry if the pictures are rather large. I was in a hurry and had to take them with my phone..
Thanks again for your time and I appreciate the help.
Sorry I had to use this method for pics. Apparently I havnt posted enough to include links nor reduced my pictures down from 1 meg in order to upload

Smoke to Fire
02-02-2011, 12:01 PM
So.. As the day goes on.. More of and more of the discus turn white as well as his ability to stay upright. gradually he is moving more and more to being total upside down. I am afraid this guy is gonna kick the bucket on me. =( Ammonia is at 0 right now. Nitrates 20, nitrites 0. water temps 82 ph 7.2

02-02-2011, 12:30 PM
Is the redness at base of pectoral fin and caudal fin normal on this fish??

You have identified cause: insufficient WC. Are there other small species in this tank - one that could be dead somewhere??

Fish in pic will require treatment in QT. I am shipping today, will try to check back in a bit. Hydrogen Peroxide @ 2ml per gallon in QT for now.

02-02-2011, 12:35 PM
So.. As the day goes on.. More of and more of the discus turn white as well as his ability to stay upright. gradually he is moving more and more to being total upside down. I am afraid this guy is gonna kick the bucket on me. =( Ammonia is at 0 right now. Nitrates 20, nitrites 0. water temps 82 ph 7.2

Treat whole tank with Hp as above - will effect bio somewhat. HP will dissipate after 12-16hrs; redose for 24hr. Big WC at 24hr, then start Kanamycin. Advise what meds you have for dosage.

Smoke to Fire
02-02-2011, 05:04 PM
Well unfortunately the Colbalt died a few hours ago. When I removed him from the tank 2/3 of his body had turned white. The red is usual for him. I searched around the decor in the tank for any dead fish and have not come across any others. All cory cats, rummy nose and bristle nose appear to have no issues. The other discus, seem to be fine. Breathing does not look labored and all fins look normal. They are acting usual. I went out and bought HP due to not having really any meds on hand here at the house but upon returning was when I found him dead. I am planning on doing another water change tonight before going to bed and possibly another tomorrow. Of course I am not sure what the risk is concerning so many water changes in such a short time. Currently temps are 82, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, Ammonia 0, pH 7.2

Smoke to Fire
02-02-2011, 05:05 PM
Should I still treat the entire tank as you suggested?

02-02-2011, 07:57 PM
I am sorry for your loss.

No on treating entire tank. I had too much going on and misread your post #2: "more and more of the discus turn white" to mean more discus were affected, rather than the one getting worse.:embarassed:

Hopefully, you've caught-up with the organic load by now and the remaining fish have superior resistance than the Cobalt.

Best Wishes.