View Full Version : Water Ready

02-05-2011, 05:39 PM
I am setting up my tank today. How long do I have to wait til I add the discus?

02-05-2011, 06:18 PM
I am setting up my tank today. How long do I have to wait til I add the discus?

Brand new tank? 6-8 weeks because it needs to be properly cycled.

Shorter depending on how it's setup.. (i.e. are you using an active filter, gravel, etc to seed the tank).

If you're not familiar with how to cycle a tank you can Google it. There are two types. You can add fish or you can do a fishless cycle by adding ammonia.

Whatever you do, don't put fish (quality ones at least, like Discus. I use Cory's and plecos for cycling because they serve a purpose in the longrun) in an uncycled tank.

I did start a tank (knowing the risks) without a cycle. I used a large sponge filter and a HOB filter from another tank. I also put 50% of the water from the other tank into the new tank and let it sit for a day. It did go through a mini-cycle but the fish are fine. At the same time though I was doing a WC twice a day on a bare tank and was continuously monitoring the water parameters. So if you think you can do that, you are okay but it's still not a good idea...

02-05-2011, 07:56 PM
I'm hearing a lot of good things about Tetra Safe Start. It adds bacteria instantly to your water and the instructions say to add fish right after you add the bacteria. I agree with Eric though as far as putting "cheaper" fish in 1st. I've read that complete cycles using TSS in less than a week. A few people have said that TSS didn't work for them so do your research 1st. (Edit) If you do decide to go with the TSS, add the "cheap" fish 1st then test the water after a week and if the levels are good, add the discus.

02-05-2011, 08:25 PM
I've used tetra safestart with great success.

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02-05-2011, 09:37 PM
I have had roughly 70% success with safe start or Dr timms one and only. none of the others are worth the containers their in!
I found the best results with them is to add a couple inches of substrate and do no water changes or wipe downs until your nitrite stays at zero, then after 2 months or so slowly remove the substrate if you don't want it.
I have never seen the nitrite go to zero in less than 7-10 days.
I would not put any fish in the tank until this happens.
I use ace hardware ammonia. I keep .25 or so on ammonia until it cycles.
I have done this over a dozen times at least.

02-05-2011, 09:42 PM
No matter what you do, I think the lesson is to monitor the ammonia aggressively before adding your valuable fish. Keeping your initial bio-load at a minimum helps too.

I read that having plants will help (they probably bring with them bacteria and they absorb Nitrogen as a part of their respiration cycle).

02-06-2011, 09:15 AM
If you are buying your discus from a reputable seller (ie, not a pet shop) they should be able to sell you a cycled filter sponge with the fish. In that case, you won't need to cycle but watch the ammonia level after purchase. If you have an established, healthy tank, you can transfer some of that media over to the discus tank when you add the discus. That is what I do, but it does carry a risk of infecting your new discus. Otherwise, I would do a fishless cycle with ammonia. If you buy some fish to cycle the tank with, you run a huge risk of infecting your discus.

02-06-2011, 09:30 AM
I think you run the risk of contamination whether you add new fish, or a cycled sponge from a stranger..Bad guys can live on the sponge easier than on other fish..some brands of nitrifying bacteria do indeed work for both fresh and salt water, but you have to do a little research first on each one. I have good success with one from Brightwell Aquatics under the name 'micro bacter7', along with a sponge from one of my other tanks. I've used the additive to both my wet-dry sump( as a jump start after tear downs), as well as a few drops on sponge filters...

02-07-2011, 04:52 PM
I have used SeaChem Prime and Stability and am using an ammonia alert