View Full Version : Problem: Power is going to be cut for 6 hours. What can i do?

02-06-2011, 04:34 AM
I have just learned that the power to my house is going to be cut for 6 hours on Tuesday, meaning the fishes water will be unfiltered for that long, could i manually filter the water, what can i do, or does it really matter?

Atm, i do not have discus but am going to get them very soon, so i need to know what to do, if this happens again and i do have discus?

02-06-2011, 05:45 AM
Easy, pull the media from the filters. If you can get a battery operated air pump, just toss an airstone in the tank. Is your tank in an area where the temp is very low?

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02-06-2011, 05:53 AM
Well in the morning it will get a bit warm, but it cools off during the day (the tank water)

02-06-2011, 05:55 AM
A good size UPS will keep the essentials (air pump and filter) not including the heater) going for a good number of hours in a power outage.

02-06-2011, 06:00 AM
Well in the morning it will get a bit warm, but it cools off during the day (the tank water)

I wouldn't worry about then, just pull media.

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02-06-2011, 06:04 AM
and dont feed yr fish that day

02-06-2011, 06:06 AM
ok, i will feed them when the power returns and the filter is back working, thanks everyone for there help.

angel eyes
02-06-2011, 06:06 AM
battery operated aerators and wrap comforters/blankets around the tank if the temperature begins to drop.

02-06-2011, 06:49 AM
hmm what do you do with media..asking in case this ever happens to me??

02-06-2011, 06:53 AM
hmm what do you do with media..asking in case this ever happens to me??

Just leave it out of the water. Or you can periodically pour tank water over it. You just don't want it submerged without o2.

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02-06-2011, 06:58 AM
It depends on the filters. If you have hang-on-back power filters, you can just open the top and pull the basket up out of the water. It doesn't hurt the bacteria to sit out in the air. Just make sure they stay damp. If you have sponges in the tank, they should be fine. There should be enough dissolved oxygen in the tank to keep the sponges and your fish happy for a few hours, provided that the tank isn't really small and/or overstocked.

If you have enclosed filters, like canisters, stop them, take the tops off, and pull the media baskets out.

The big problem with bacteria is not so much keeping it wet, but keeping it oxygenated. The bacteria needs to breathe. If it suffocates and dies, you'll basically have toxic sludge in your filters. When the power kicks back on, it'll dump all that into your tank and could spell disaster for the fish. I left a canister off once for a few hours and it smelled like rotting swamp water when I finally opened it. :mad: A lot of people think that keeping it submerged in water is what saves it, but that's not necessarily the case if it cannot breathe.

One of the best things about having a sump/wet-dry setup is that you never have to worry about a power outage -- the media is suspended above water (in most cases) and so it has plenty of space to breathe.

02-06-2011, 07:09 AM
thank you. this is good to know

02-06-2011, 08:18 AM
One of the best things about having a sump/wet-dry setup is that you never have to worry about a power outage -- the media is suspended above water (in most cases) and so it has plenty of space to breathe.

good point

02-06-2011, 10:07 AM
just buy battere air pump is quite cheap and make sure keep the cover close

02-06-2011, 10:31 AM
You could rent a small portable generator for a day. At least that's possible in the US, dunno about Aus. If you're only running the filters & airpumps, not the heaters, it won't require more than a small unit...

02-06-2011, 10:46 AM
Six hours really isn't that long... but another thing you could do is do a WC right before the power goes out.

02-06-2011, 11:04 AM
I have a small auto power supply(coverts 12V to 110A/C). Plug one end(cigarette lighter receptacle) of the converter to your vehicle and run an extension cord to power your filter and aerator. Just remember to start your vehicle periodically to keep the battery charged. They are cheap and work exceptionally well for those who can't afford or don't have a portable generator.

Darrell Ward
02-06-2011, 03:32 PM
Six hours really isn't that long... but another thing you could do is do a WC right before the power goes out.

Agreed. I've experienced 9 hour power outages that proved no problem. I wouldn't worry unless it got up to around 12 hours.

02-06-2011, 03:48 PM

I would do a 50% WC the day before (Monday night).

As mentioned, stop feeding them after this and until the power comes back on.

I had a very bad experience with a power outage that lasted 12 hours!! I freaked out! I have 2 canister filters for a 55 gal tank: 1 - Eheim 2213, and 1 - Fluval 305. I did very little based on info from local fishkeepers. Every 2 hours I would gently rock the 2 canisters to try and move "different" water over the filter media (mainly poret sponge and ceramic rings). When the power came on I was expecting a cloud in my tank, but everything was absolutely fine. The "local experts" claim that the bio media can go for 24 hours without power. I do not want to be there for that one!!!

Best wishes to you,

02-06-2011, 04:40 PM
I think another reassuring thought is that a lot of fish are stuck in bags and shipped by mail or freight. They can be there as few as a matter of hours to a couple of days with very few ill effects. Sure, they have oxygen in the bags but your fish will either have a battery powered air pump or surface area that is -actually- capable of accessing normal air.

The only reason that I would even care about power outage around this time of year is the heater, but as long as the ambient temperature isn't too low, the aquarium water won't reach dangerous levels for such a short duration.

So if the fish in little baggies can make it, your fish will have no problem in their own tank/water with fresh supply of air.

02-06-2011, 04:41 PM
Oxygen stones that generate oxygen when immersed in water are pretty cool.
They produce oxygen for a month, without the use of an airpump, they would be handy to have around when the power is out for a while =)
I suppose you could place one in the filter too =)
I found them at big al's =)

'Tom Aquatics, Oxygen Stone'

02-06-2011, 04:44 PM
The oxygen stones might be a good idea for transporting discus too, they probably wouldn't need it, but it sounds neat =)

02-06-2011, 05:07 PM
Oxygen stones that generate oxygen when immersed in water are pretty cool.
They produce oxygen for a month, without the use of an airpump, they would be handy to have around when the power is out for a while =)
I suppose you could place one in the filter too =)
I found them at big al's =)

'Tom Aquatics, Oxygen Stone'
sound interesting , have u used them b4?

02-06-2011, 05:13 PM
During the recent storm here in Northern Virginia, I lost power for 18 hours. My house water heater worked (natural gas), but no electricity, so no filtration in my 125 gallon and 46 gallon tanks. I drained some water every 4-6 hours and added hot water to keep temps up, and thought that the bio filters in my canister filters would have died.

When the lights came back on, the filters began working again. No ammonia or nitrite spike at all! The bio filters survived in their canisters just fine.

02-06-2011, 05:28 PM
I haven't bought them yet, I saw them while flicking through the Big Al's On-line magazine.
I might add them to my list when I order from there, they might come in handy =)

It might make a less stressful env. for my small quarantine tank, if I need it in the future....

02-06-2011, 06:49 PM
Agreed. I've experienced 9 hour power outages that proved no problem. I wouldn't worry unless it got up to around 12 hours.

Ditto, I used to have weekly outages while living in the Azores Portugal. It's not that big a deal unless the power will be out for days.

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02-08-2011, 11:26 AM
I have one of those portable car starters that I leave pluged in all the time. I picked it up at Marshalls on the clearance rack for $12. :) It has 2 120v recepticles that I use to power the filters every hour or so that I'm without power. It has lasted me over 6 hrs running 8-10 tanks for a few minutes every hour. I hook it up to a car converter like flyman767 was recommending to recharge it for extended outages.
