View Full Version : pairs forming!!!

02-10-2011, 07:47 AM
Well so far I have now gotten some improvement in a few new pairs that I was working on...
I have a Pigeon Blood male paired up with a tony tan "red velvet" I believe the "common name of this color form is "red melon" they have spawned once in a community tank and protected their first spawn to wigglers...
So I moved them into a BB 29 gallon tank and they spawned twice so far. Last night there were about 6-7 wigglers left on the cone. not sure if they are going to take care of such a small spawn but it is progress with this young pair. The Male is an experienced prooven male that I purchased some time last year and have been trying to pair up since then.
I have a second pair of Tony Tan's Red velvet that are in a lightly planted 29 gallon tank. I have not been able to keep fungus at bay for this pair so I will be switching it over to a BB tank this weekend. What is amazing to me about this pair is that they try to take care of the fungus-ed egg for several days.... I don't want them to eat them so I pull the sword plant leaf they lay them on. Hopefully when I get them a cleaner tank I will have better success with this pair.
However on both fronts I see improvement.. It is only a matter of time till I can say I have baby discus...
The third pair of Discus Hans that I got at a MCA event are in a community tank right now learning some parenting skills... I had them in a BB tank and they ate several spawns... so I pulled them to try and get them to learn some protective skills.
This pair is a Santerm female and a Kobalt male. I think this would be an interesting cross. I hope to get some "Wild Looking" fry from this pair eventually.