View Full Version : Pair, breeding in a community discus tank

02-12-2011, 05:00 PM
We've got a community discus tank, planted, and doing really well, we've got 5 discus that are just breaching breeding age, and we've had a pair establish themselves. Luckily, they are also the alpha fish in the tank, so they've been able to spawn several times undisturbed. This is their 4th time, in a month and a half, and we're close to hatching time (the first 3 spawning ended in the dad eating the eggs)! Here's the dilemma, we never intended to have a breeding tank, but they are such a beautiful pair, and seem very successful already, that I feel obligated to give them every opportunity to make them successful parents!

My first question, is there any chance the fry will make it in a well planted tank, with the other discus?

We've also got a 35 gal. hexagonal tank with angels in it, we're willing to sell off the angels, the tank is fully cycled, would that work as a breeding tank?

What kind of set up will we need to raise the fry? Could they stay in the 35gal with the parents?

We've got a semi small house, so we never intended to go down the breeding route, but, our discus seem very determined to breed!

Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!

02-12-2011, 07:21 PM
I use a bare bottom 29 gallon tank for the spawning pairs so a 35 should work out just fine. You will need more space once they start to grow out.

02-12-2011, 08:19 PM
As to your first question, slim to none that they'll make it in a community tank...

02-12-2011, 11:22 PM
Fantastic news, we've got live babies! They're hatching, and mom and dad are really trying to get them swimming! I see the issue of a planted tank, as they fall to the bottom, they're gonners :(. But I think this is great news, this is only their 4th spawning, and are producing viable babies! I think we'll be selling our beautiful angels soon. Thanks for any pointers!

02-12-2011, 11:52 PM
cool beans....

Altum Nut
02-13-2011, 12:24 AM
Hey heatherb,

Welcome to the addiction.
Now that you have a comfirmed pair....set them up in thier own apartment.

Best of luck

02-20-2011, 12:02 AM
Getting ready to set them up in their own tank. Is the breeding cone as great as it looks? I've been trying to find the JLB cone, but it doesn't look like there is any way of getting it locally (on in this country). So far, they have laid eggs on several surfaces, on the front of the glass the past 2 times (which makes for great viewing!), so I'm wondering if pvc pipe would work just as well as a cone. Any other suggestions on a breeding surface?

On a separate note, the last spawn they had, the female looked like she pulled wigglers off the wall, and shot them against the side of the male, several at a time. Is this normal, is she trying to help them out of the shell? We've got hard water, so I assume the shells are hard as well. No luck on free swimmers yet, they are still in their first cycle, and in a community tank, so we're just letting them do their thing, and practice. But we're looking forward to getting them in their own set up, and seeing if they are more successful. Right now, they are spawning every 5 - 6 days, on their 6th cycle in 1.5 months! Young and beautiful, hopefully they continue.

03-20-2011, 09:24 PM
wow, sounds very familiar to my situation now, got a 55gal lot of plants w/6 beautiful discus 5-6inches. 2 are wilds i got few months ago. got lucky one paired w/a tank raised and laid eggs last week, male ate them as they were being laid. this sunday they got busy again but the male joined her n fertilized them. they guard them heavy but im worried about the two clown loaches and two plecos. i also have an angel pair fresh off a batch, the fry are 3 1/2 months old so im about to take 100-150 angel fry to the pet store so i can make room for the discus pair. i wonder should i seperate them into the 20gal alone or should i just divide my 55gal community. im glad i just experienced raising the angel fry for a few months i feel like it will help me have success w/ the discus pair.

03-20-2011, 10:27 PM
As for the cones, one of the sponsors here makes them, so might check the list...PVC works, pots, bricks, etc..but cones are nice...No shells, the fry feed off the slime of the parents....

03-21-2011, 01:39 AM
I have a very similar situation: community tank with three discus, and one has started to lay eggs. Immediately afterwards, the other two discus started eating the eggs, and then she joined in herself (also I think my catfish got in on the action).

I want to establish a separate breeding tank, but I'm having a little difficulty figuring out which discus the spawning one mated with. The one who laid eggs is blue; I have another blue one and an orange one. The orange one was next to the spawning discus the whole time, and after all of the eggs were eaten, the orange one started twitching and then rubbing up against the place where the spawning one had laid her eggs. So it would have to be the orange one, right? Or do some discus lay eggs even without a mate, and I'm just jumping the gun?

I am considering buying a 30 gallon for breeding. What is the best way to use my current tank to speed up the cycle time? I'm terrified of putting discus in a new tank only to have them die. I have a penguin biowheel filter in my original tank, but I worry that if I take out the biowheel the fish in the original tank will suffer. Any thoughts?


03-21-2011, 08:05 PM
put a sponge filter w/air pump in the main tank for 2-3weeks to colonize. set up your 30gal w/ mayb like 15gal water from the main tank and 15gal r/o. then when u transfer the pair to their new home you can move the sponge filter with them, continue to use the biowheel if you like but keep the water level high so there is minimal waterfall dropping into the tank. for water changes i mix 1/4 dechlorinated tap with 3/4 r/o in a 5gal bucket. brings PH between 6-7 without the use of acid/alkaline chemicals.

Discus phobia
04-12-2012, 02:15 PM
My Discus has laid eggs second time in past 10 days. I have a 55gallon planted community tank with Red mellon, fuji red discus, shoal of cardinals and rummy nose, pair of black molly and cory cats.

The first batch disappeared in 4 days. Im wondering if its a good option to separate the parents. Im looking at a 30 gallon hexagon tank.Searching for one online.

Would this help.. Do i need to have a separate canister filter if i separate the breeding pair in another tank..

where can i get the breeding cone..Can i use a clay flower pot instead?

Appreciate any help/suggestions
