View Full Version : Jaleco - Pre-filtering unit.

02-25-2011, 04:57 PM
sorry, got the brand name wrong. its JAQNO.
the last time i was in Hong Kong, i bought this unit during my weekly shopping rounds at "tung choi gai."
picked up this unit for $20 USD, so about $140 HKD. Jaqno is a brand from Japan.

what do you guys think?, based on the crappy photos?


02-25-2011, 05:23 PM
it looks like it's a just a mini filter with no floss! The larger noodle type media is to trap large pieces of debris while the smaller is(from what I can see) for bacterial surface area which should stay clean,which should be at the end of the filter process. If it was full of just the noodle type it may help before the filter, if it was just the smaller biomedia type it would help biologically after the filter. I would just use a sponge pre-filter on the intake.
If the second (lower) media is the small hole noodle type,which is what I can't tell from pics it is designed to trap debris before the main filter,not as bio. but should be cleaned daily. which is why it's imo easier to use a sponge in the tank.
I seem to be having a hard time explaining what I mean to say but I hope you get t anyway!

02-25-2011, 05:28 PM
i understand your meaning; before installing the unit, i was using a sponge pre-filter but it would clog very quickly. i think because of the thickness or DPI? lol
the media you see is temporary, just wanted to seed them for my other filters.
you are correct about noodle media - biobale, which i have some. so, ill use them the next time i open this unit up.

02-25-2011, 06:04 PM
Oh I thought that media was stock and I couldn't figure what it was designed to be used as! Is it easier to open and clean this unit as compared to a sponge on the intake?

02-25-2011, 06:09 PM
Oh I thought that media was stock and I couldn't figure what it was designed to be used as! Is it easier to open and clean this unit as compared to a sponge on the intake?

in the sense of rinsing the sponge unit, compared to this unit; the sponge unit is easier, but this fabric will not clog. i had a piece within my FX5 for 4 months will no clogging nor ill effects. plus, i can add the CC bag within the Jaqno unit to help free up space in the XP4 or add a other media without opening up the canister.

02-25-2011, 06:53 PM
Good Idea for additional space. My concern would not be clogging but if it collects large amounts of debris it should be cleaned daily whether it clogs or not. pieces of decaying food anywhere i like to get out asap the easiest way.
I guess it also a smaller version of what I made up. I have 2 ocean clear canisters, one has a 25 micron pleated filter, then next has nothing but eheim substrat. The first cleans so only very clean water enters my bio canister so I very rarely ever have to touch it. ButI also have a pre filter sponge too which I clean daily. Then for the same tank I have a trickle filter, again with 2 pre filters.
I very rarely touch my filter bio media, but everyday I clean the pre filters

02-25-2011, 07:11 PM
Good Idea for additional space. My concern would not be clogging but if it collects large amounts of debris it should be cleaned daily whether it clogs or not. pieces of decaying food anywhere i like to get out asap the easiest way.
I guess it also a smaller version of what I made up. I have 2 ocean clear canisters, one has a 25 micron pleated filter, then next has nothing but eheim substrat. The first cleans so only very clean water enters my bio canister so I very rarely ever have to touch it. ButI also have a pre filter sponge too which I clean daily. Then for the same tank I have a trickle filter, again with 2 pre filters.
I very rarely touch my filter bio media, but everyday I clean the pre filters

i shut off all my filtration units while my fishes feed, so if anything does enter the unit, its more like fine particles.
yea, high GPH canisters such as what you are using, need pre-filters.

the approach i usually take, is to maximize GPH and to consolidate debris and build-up, in order to reduce cleaning/maintenance. all in all, also reduce the chance of Clogging.

02-25-2011, 07:25 PM
I use pre filters on all my hob's too. I keep the gph on the canisters cut way down. My way of maintaining my filters is to hardly have to touch them, but at the same time keep them clean. I am not one who believes in scrubbing the filters every few days. I have experienced hikes in ammonia/nitrites cleaning filters too much. i don't pay too much mind to cleaning the sponges in the filters, but I do treat them as a living part.
Plus I vacuum the tanks once a day.