View Full Version : Fishroom attempt #2

02-26-2011, 04:44 AM
Good morning,
I had a 'fishroom'. All my aquariums were in my garage (16), but I want to start breeding Discus.
I'll make six stands, but will one by one .. able to enjoy the beauty of the Discus that will keep!

Each stand will have 2m x 1,25 m x 0.5 m. I'll have to make sketches.
Each stand will have three levels, the highest level is for those couples, the middle to growth and lowest level I'm thinking about making a sump.

The aquariums for breeding couples will be: 40x45x45 (15,7x18x18)
The aquariums for growth will be: 120x45x45 (47x18x18)
The sump probably will be: 125x50x30 (50x20x12)


02-26-2011, 09:24 AM
Most of the layout in 'fish alley' here at my place is three tiered....I'm set up just as you pictured; breeder's mostly on the top, and grow out tanks thru the middle, and the lower is my sump..I do have a few tanks at sump level that aren't on the central system..I've been doing this style layout since the late 80's, and I have few complaints as to function..Good luck with your construction....